NASA's planet hunter TESS is looking for an exoplanet that would be called the super-Earth in a space about 73 light years away from Earth Yesterday announced on the homepage.

The TOI 270 system, known as the TOI 270, has a TOI 270 b, slightly larger than Earth, and two Neptune-sized planets revolving around the star TOI 270.

NASA researcher Maximilian Gunter says on his website, "TOI 270 b is very quiet and close to the earth, much brighter than other planetary systems, and there is a high probability that atmospheric and gas are present."

It is estimated that this planet with an orbital period of 3.4 days is slightly larger than the Earth and has a very hot atmosphere.

Steven Kane, a professor at UC Riverside, said: "Almost never saw any of these planets on a planet that survives aliens."

The TOI 270 c and TOI 270 d around the TOI 270 are 2.4 times and 2.1 times larger than the Earth and the orbital cycles are 5.7 and 11.4 days.

TESS is a satellite that replaces the Kepler satellite that was retired last April after finding 18 planet-sized planets.

"It is unusual to find a planet that is 1.5 times or twice as large as the Earth," said co-author Fran Pouzoureus. "TOI 270 will help us understand how the planetary system has evolved and evolved."

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)