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Hamza bin Laden, the son of Osama bin Laden, died and the United States contributed to the operation to eliminate him, US media reported on July 31, 2019. FEDERATION FOR DEFENSE OF DEMOCRACIES / AFP

Hamza bin Laden, one of Osama Bin Laden's sons, who has been described as his al-Qaida heir, has died, and the United States has contributed to the operation to eliminate him, according to reports. Wednesday of the New York Times and NBC.

First media to reveal this possible elimination, NBC said Wednesday, July 31 that Washington had information intelligence services attesting the death of Hamza Bin Laden, relying on three anonymous officials.

Hamza bin Laden, leader of Osama bin Laden, is the successor of the Qaeda leader, is dead, according to US officials. https://t.co/9CtlvlY5KG - @ckubeNBC

NBC News (@NBCNews) July 31, 2019

" I do not want to comment on that, " President Donald Trump twice told reporters on Wednesday about NBC news.

The New York Times says the United States has " had a role " in the operation in which Hamza bin Laden, considered a key al-Qaida leader, was killed. The newspaper quotes two American officials.

Neither NBC nor the New Yok Times have details about the date, place or circumstances of death. According to the New York Times , he would have intervened in the last two years, but the Americans have been slow to confirm it.

Breaking News: Osama bin Laden 's sound, who was seen as heir to Al Qaeda' s leadership, is dead, US officials said. He is now being attacked by the US https://t.co/xQViuLAdW5

The New York Times (@nytimes) July 31, 2019

Washington offered in February a reward of up to a million dollars for any information to find Hamza bin Laden. In March he had been deposed in March of his Saudi nationality.

See also: Hamza bin Laden, the heir

Among the archives of Osama bin Laden, seized during the 2011 US raid in which he was killed in Pakistan, unveiled in late 2017 by the CIA, is a video of the marriage of his son Hamza, apparently in Iran, which was thus discovered the first images in adulthood. Hamza was considered Osama Bin Laden's favorite son - even the appointed successor.

With AFP