The 36-year-old woman suffers from multiple fractures in the pelvis, arms and legs. She was saved by trees at the foot of her building.

A 36-year-old woman survived a fall on the 9th floor of a building in a district of Grenoble where she lives, police said.

The young woman was found polytraumatized but miraculously aware at the foot of her building by a neighbor shortly after its fall, occurred around 9:10 am Wednesday in a popular area of ​​the city.

She suffers from psychiatric disorders

With multiple fractures in the pelvis, arms and legs, she was transported to the hospital, said the firefighters, noting that her life is not prone.

The thirty-year-old, who suffers from psychiatric disorders, according to the police, would have been saved by the trees at the foot of his building, which cushioned his fall. Police opened an investigation to determine the circumstances of this defenestration.