The Department of Education and Knowledge has announced the prohibition of enrolling students in private schools with weak and very weak performance in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

The results of the fifth cycle of an evaluation program to evaluate the performance of 174 private schools in the Emirate revealed that four schools had a distinguished evaluation, 20 very good schools, 52 schools with good grades, 83 schools with an acceptable rating, 13 schools with poor evaluation, very.

In addition, the results of an evaluation program for the evaluation of private schools operating in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi showed that there are four schools with a British curriculum on a distinguished evaluation, nine very good schools, 15 good schools, 14 acceptable schools and one weak school.

None of the US curriculum schools had a distinctive assessment, eight US schools were rated very well, 20 schools were rated well, and 19 schools were rated as acceptable.

The results of the evaluation showed a decline in the level of private schools applied to the curriculum of the Ministry of Education, as no school received a very good or excellent evaluation. Six schools were rated well, 30 schools had an acceptable rating, seven schools had poor grades, and one school was very poor. Nine schools with the Indian curriculum were rated good, 10 were rated acceptable and two were poorly rated.

The German International School, the Japanese Private School, the French Lissie-Louis-Massion School were very well rated, while one school with the Sabis curriculum received good evaluation, two schools had an acceptable assessment, and the Pakistani and Iranian curriculum schools were on the list of weak and very weak classifications.

The Department emphasized that the "Ascension" program is a comprehensive assessment system that measures the quality of education in private schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi through accredited residents and inspectors. They have been trained to inspect and evaluate schools according to the international standards in this field and follow up the schools to ensure that they meet the standards , Noting that it is working to ensure the sustainability of the program and control of private schools in Abu Dhabi, through activating the program through three main axes, including training of citizens working in schools to become certified school inspectors, and the implementation of periodic monitoring and inspection visits to private schools In order to ensure its commitment to the program's standards, in addition to providing the necessary support and follow-up schools to improve the quality of education.

The evaluation of schools helps determine the effectiveness of the educational system in the emirate and therefore develops policies and programs based on clear evidence to support the quality and effectiveness of the educational system within the Emirate. The inspectors of the department spend about four days in each school to determine the overall effectiveness of the school , Based on the self-evaluation and performance criteria set out in the program, and a report is sent to the school after the evaluation, including an explanation of the strengths and aspects that need to be improved, so that the school can produce an effective development and improvement plan. Assessment of objectively, and introduce them to the level of each school, so that they can make informed decisions about their children's education.

The assessment is based on six levels of quality, including: the quality of students 'achievements, the quality of personal and social development, the skills of students' innovation, the quality of teaching and evaluation processes, and the quality of the curriculum. , The quality of student protection and care, guidance and support, and the quality of school leadership and management. "

6 goals for «Ascension»

The Department of Education and Knowledge has identified six objectives for the advancement program, including measuring the performance and quality of private schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, making recommendations for improving the quality of education, management capabilities and levels of students in schools; motivating school principals and teachers to improve their professional performance; The school development in each school to ensure the well-being of students and improve their academic achievements, secure a safe and healthy study environment for students, and improve the quality and effectiveness of private schools in Abu Dhabi in line with the strategic objectives of the department.

• 4 schools were rated "excellent," 20 "very good" and 52 "good".