According to a report published in the Army Times, the US military is suffering a large shortage of infantry soldiers, and the number currently does not exceed 79% of the number that is supposed to reach him.

The report says the army is seeking to fill the infantry shortage by spring of next year by opening recruitment and providing physical incentives to encourage up to $ 42,000 for new soldiers entering military service and 72,000 for soldiers moving into the infantry sector from within the army .

According to the paper, the information available does not indicate that the army's efforts will lead to the shortfall in time, and that the current efforts will achieve only about 83% of the required number. However, army officials confirm his ability to reach the target on time.

"We have already faced situations in the past where we have not been able to meet the recruitment targets of certain sectors of the military," said Mary Rex, an officer in the Army's Human Resources Directorate. "However, given the motivation now offered for recruitment, we expect to meet our current and future needs Soldiers ").

US military commits leaders of all brigades to maintain troop numbers (Getty Images)

Binding and number
According to the newspaper, the US military requires commanders of all brigades to maintain the number of troops identified, and attributed to the retired military commander Thomas R. Brooks said that this could be achieved in the infantry sector by the spring of 2020.

The US military faces difficulties in reaching the required number of conscripts to achieve its goal of reaching half a million troops by the end of the next decade.

The report indicates that the recruitment of civilians is a challenge to the US military, and many reasons led to a decline in the interest of the American citizen to join the ranks of the army, the most important improvement of the economic situation and the recovery of the labor market in the United States.