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The resigning governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rossello. REUTERS / Carlos Barria / Photo File

It must have been Justice Minister Wanda Vasquez, but on Sunday she tweeted that she had no intention of taking over the position of governor instead of Ricardo Rossello. On the evening of Monday, 29th of July, a demonstration took place in front of the Ministry of Justice, a story for the protesters to signal that they do not want Wanda Vasquez as governor either.

With our correspondent in Houston, Thomas Harms

In the line of succession to become governor of Puerto Rico is the Secretary of the Treasury, but he is too young. You have to be at least 35 years old to become a governor, he only has 31. The secretary of education has only been there for a few months, but the one he replaces has been arrested for fraud and corruption by the FBI . This is not to reassure the protesters.

There remains the solution of a new election. It was scheduled for next year, but the island devastated by Hurricane Maria in 2017 does not have the funds to organize one in a hurry.

Ricardo Rossello still has the opportunity to appoint a new foreign minister to replace the one who resigned because he too was involved in the series of outrageous messages exchanged with the governor on the Telegram application. This new minister would then automatically become governor.

But an appointment should be approved by both chambers of the island, by Friday, Aug. 2, and given the opposition of the street nobody wants to be named. In fact, the protesters now want everyone connected with the governor to leave. The political transition in Puerto Rico is therefore still confused and chaotic.