By RFIPalled on 30-07-2019Modified on 30-07-2019 at 21:23

The balance of power within the future coalition government in the DRC is becoming clearer. This Tuesday, July 30, RFI was able to obtain clarification, especially on the distribution of the regal posts.

If the names of the future ministers remain unknown, the details of the division of posts between the current and former president has been recorded, signed by both parties and forwarded to the Prime Minister, according to negotiators from both sides.

On the night of Monday to Tuesday, the main negotiators of the ruling coalition FCC-Cach had unveiled at a press conference the outline of their agreement , essentially confirming information already known: of the 65 posts Ministers (48 ministers and 17 deputy ministers), 42 were allocated to the Common Front for Congo (FCC), the coalition of President Kabila, and 23 to the Cape for Change (Cach), that of President Tshisekedi. But RFI got some clarification.

The two coalitions have finally decided, after months of negotiations, to share the positions known as "regaliens" and among the most coveted.

Foreign Affairs and the Interior fall into the purse of the Cach coalition Felix Tshisekedi, but the head of state has obtained neither the Defense nor Justice that remain in the hands of the FCC Joseph Kabila. In an interview with RFI at the end of June, President Tshisekedi had nevertheless asked for " a right of scrutiny " over these ministerial ministries, and thus on the name of the person who could occupy them.

See also: Félix Tshisekedi at RFI and France 24: "I do not think I'm a puppet"

In the economic sector, equally coveted, Cach finally gets, according to our sources, the ministries of Budget and Economy, while the FCC retains control over the very strategic Ministries of Mines and Finance, a portfolio that the President Tshiskedi tried until the end to keep. The FCC of Joseph Kabila thus obtains a total of 31 of the 48 positions of full ministers (not counting the posts of vice-minister), against 17 for the camp of the new president, that is about 35%.

If names circulate for these posts, nothing would be recorded yet. It was first necessary to agree on the framework, explains a source within the Cach. Not to mention that it is the Prime Minister who is responsible for forming the government. " Negotiators should not strip it of this prerogative, " says one FCC executive.

On the basis of the agreement partly unveiled yesterday, each party must now submit to the Prime Minister his list of names. " The hard part is done, now it will be fast, " says a source within Cach. Others, on the other hand, fear that the operation is not so simple, as the candidates are counted by the hundreds .

    On the same subject

    DRC: Lamuka meets to harmonize views

    Coalition government in the DRC: the distribution of posts becomes clearer

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    DRC: Government agreement found between FCC and Cach
