The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr. Anwar Gargash said that the report of the New York Times on the mediator and the Qatari ambassador in Somalia documents Doha's relationship with extremism and terrorism.

"In the Qatari crisis with its neighbors, the New York Times report on the mediator and the Qatari ambassador in Somalia documents Doha's relationship with extremism and terrorism," Gargash said in a tweet on the social networking site Twitter. "The registration is dangerous and can not be denied an urgent statement that has not been accompanied by an investigation."

He continued: «The charge of resorting to terrorism against the UAE an unfortunate escalation», pointing out that what happened confirms the correctness of the actions of the four countries.

The Qatari response to the recording, which proved its involvement in the bombings and terrorist operations in Somalia, was closer to "recognition" of "justification" and to the country's confusion in dealing with the various crises facing Doha.

The New York Times recently published details of the leaked registration that brought together Qatari businessman Khalifa Kayed al-Mohannadi and the Qatari ambassador to Mogadishu, Hassan bin Hamza Hashim. Al-Muhannadi said gunmen had carried out bombings in the Somali port of Busasso to promote Qatar's interests.

The newspaper pointed out that the Qatari ambassador did not deny the voice recording, did not express his dissatisfaction with the implementation of these bombings in the interest of his country, as well as did not show any dissatisfaction with the supervision of Qataris, and the newspaper that the voice recording was a phone call to the ambassador with Muhannadi, Al-Muhannadi called the call on May 18, and said he was speaking with the Qatari ambassador as citizens and not as official officials.

The Qatari government liaison office issued a statement denying the Doha connection. He tried to disavow Kayed al-Muhannadi, a close associate of the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. "Al-Muhannadi does not represent Qatar and has no right to issue a comment on behalf of the government. Investigate what this person has done and will bear the consequences of the responsibility of his comments. "

The Qatari statement claimed that "Doha has requested a copy of the recordings published by the New York Times to support the American investigation of the newspaper, but this request was not accepted because of the editorial policies of the newspaper, and therefore the Office respects the policies of the newspaper, Actions in this regard ».

The statement avoided commenting on the role of the Qatari ambassador in Mogadishu, the other party involved in the telephone call. Although the response was an attempt to disavow the Qatari businessman, he did not deny that al-Mohannadi was close to the emir of Qatar. A news item published by the Indonesian media, when he was a member of the delegation that was accompanied by the Emir of Qatar to the Asian country.

The French Radio RFI recently accused Qatar of running its trade interests in Somalia through its alliance with terrorists, saying that Doha has turned the region into a struggle to impose its influence through illegal methods with Turkish support. Africa has become clear despite the constant denial of the organization of Hamdeen.

"These recordings clearly reveal the alliance between Qatar and the terrorists," the radio said, explaining that Doha had turned the region into a conflict zone for influence using terrorists to try to impose its influence in illegal ways.

He called on the opposition «Wadger» Somali opposition and MP Ahmed Maalim Faki, to open a federal investigation on the leaks, and all the facts associated with them.

Two years ago, the French newspaper L'Accarné Enchigne revealed information by Libyan army spokesman Col. Ahmed Al-Mesmari, who confirmed that a Qatari intelligence officer working in Tunisia was financing terrorists in Libya by transferring money from a bank account in Tunisia To another bank in the state of Tataouine, and then reach these funds to Libya, estimating the value of these funds by eight billion dollars, and quoted the newspaper Al-Mismari as saying that the Qatari intelligence man is the successor of Kaed Al-Mohannadi.

• Qatar's response to the record, which proved its involvement in the bombings in Somalia, revealed the failure of Doha in dealing with its crises.