The Dubai Criminal Court sentenced an Asian defendant to five years in prison after he was convicted of taking two million and 867,500 dirhams from a bank account of an American customer after he was acquitted with two others. He was transferred to the Misdemeanor Court - a slice instead of a telephone number of the victim registered with the bank , And seized his balance in less than two weeks, and left him only 300 dirhams, nine dollars, and less than one euro.

According to the case papers, the first defendant filed for a replacement instead of a loss from a telecommunications company, assumed the identity of the owner of the original chip, using forged documents, and submitted a request for assignment of the telephone chip to a company owned and managed by himself in the free zone, the phone.

After taking over the number, he continued with the bank and subscribed to the online banking service as the account holder. He received text messages containing the secret numbers. He then transferred bank transfers from the victim's account to his company's account, taking over almost the entire balance of AED2,867,500 , Leaving the victim 300 dirhams.

In the case, the court began the trial of a second defendant who assisted the former in his crime, and a third defendant, who received the sum of one million and 660 thousand dirhams obtained from the crime of fraud carried out by the first accused, in circumstances likely to be considered illegitimate.

A witness in the case said that he was a friend of the victim and the account holder. Since the latter did not reside in the country, he was asked to obtain a telephone number in his name to register with the bank and through which he could follow up the account via text messages. That the unknown phone number has been taken away, that the phone is not working, it communicates with the provider of the telephone chip, and is shocked that someone who has assumed his name and waives the telephone number for the benefit of a company using an identity card that does not belong to him or his personal picture, Let the police know what happened.

A bank witness, who works as a legal adviser, said that the bank received a complaint from the victim's client to transfer two million and 867 thousand dirhams from his own account to another company's account, and by checking the internal fraud department, The customer must receive a confidential number on his registered bank phone with a text message, and as recorded in the records, the customer received all the confidential numbers on his phone.

The witness said that by asking the victim, he confirmed that no transfers had been made. It was found that a fraudster had extracted a lost telephone card, broke the electronic banking service and made daily transfers of 200,000 dirhams, the maximum allowed.

The victim's lawyer stated that the client tried to use his UAE bank number to check his account, but found it ineffective and was surprised to seize the funds in his account.