Paris (AFP)

The Minister of Culture Franck Riester signed Monday agreements to initiate the transfer to the State donations collected by three foundations and the National Monuments Center, under the national subscription launched for Notre Dame.

They were signed with Philippe Bélaval (National Monuments Center, CMN), Pierre Sellal (Fondation de France), Mgr Michel Aupetit (Notre-Dame Foundation) and Guillaume Poitrinal (Heritage Foundation).

Following the fire of April 15, 850 million euros of donations and pledges have been announced by individuals and businesses in France and abroad. Franck Riester said recently that "just over 10%" pledges have been "made concrete".

After the adoption of the new Notre-Dame law in mid-July, "these agreements must allow the foundations and the CMN to return the proceeds of collection to the State, guaranteeing to French and foreign donors a rigorous and transparent management of their gifts, "said Riester.

These donations will be dedicated to "conservation work and restoration of the cathedral and its furniture owned by the State" as well as "training of heritage professionals whose skills will be required" for the work.

According to the Heritage Foundation, in order to "ensure that the donations are intended for the use that is due to them", the agreement that Mr. Poitrinal signed with Mr. Riester follows "many exchanges" with the Ministry and the representatives of the future public institution provided for by the new law.

The latter "was not enough" and "it was therefore necessary a protocol that organizes" the consistent use of donations, said Mr. Poitrinal to AFP

The convention signed between the Heritage Foundation and the State allows for a first payment (44 million euros from the 54.5 million already cashed), exclusively "to restore and rebuild," said Mr. Poitrinal, then "to initiate the rapid signing of protocols" with 70 major sponsors on the use of some 170 million they have committed to pay. Sums that could also be partly used for outdoor development and craftsmen training.

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