International envoy to Libya Ghassan Salama called for a truce during Eid al-Adha, the exchange of prisoners and the release of detainees, adding that impunity should not prevail especially for those who attack hospitals.

In a briefing to the Security Council, Salama said that Libya had become a place to test new weapons and use antique weapons with the support of foreign governments.

The UN envoy stressed that the war continues unabated in Libya, and that more than 1,100 people were killed in the attack carried out by Haftar forces on the capital Tripoli for months.

The Acting Humanitarian Coordinator in Libya, Pronger Boyle Yousfi, expressed her strong condemnation of the bombing of the field hospital in the area of ​​Airport Road south of Tripoli.

Killed by Hafer forces
On the ground, the forces of the Libyan National Reconciliation Government announced on Monday the killing of five leaders of the forces of the retired brigade Khalifa Hafter during the battles of the past two days around the capital Tripoli.

An angry volcano launched by the Al-Wefaq government to repel Hafar's attack on Tripoli, posted on its Facebook page the names of those killed, saying they were killed during the July 27-28 fighting.

The media center of Operation Volcano anger that a paramedic was killed while targeting Hafar forces field hospital in the valley of spring valley south of the Libyan capital Tripoli, within the area subject to the government of national reconciliation.

A source from the Libyan army of the Government of the Accord, that the aircraft Al-Wefaq targeted sites belonging to the forces of Haftar in this region as well.