A body, which could be that of the young man disappeared during the Music Festival in Nantes, was found in the Loire on Monday.

A body was found Monday in the Loire in Nantes at the quai Ferrand near the quay Wilson, where the disappearance of Steve Maia Caniço during the Music Festival in late June, we learned from a source close to folder.

A body "in a state of extreme decomposition"

"The body is in a state of extreme decomposition, we can not say if it is a man or a woman," said the source close to the file.

The disappearance of the young man, a 24-year-old extracurricular animator, coincided with a controversial police intervention on the night of June 21 to 22, when clashes erupted around 4:30 am between participants in a concert and police officers who demanded stop of the music on the quay Wilson, a place without parapet of the island of Nantes, on the Loire. The first searches were unsuccessful and the prosecutor of Nantes, Pierre Sennès, announced last week the use of a sonar in the Loire to try to find the body of Steve Maia Caniço.

Five parallel procedures

Since this disappearance, many placards asking "Where is Steve?" appear in the streets of Nantes and the surrounding area. A fresco was also painted on a shed. On July 20, hundreds of protesters gathered again one month after the disappearance.

Five parallel proceedings are being conducted, including an administrative inquiry conducted by the IGPN (General Inspectorate of the National Police), which is expected to be handed over this week to the Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner. The IGPN was seized on June 24 to shed light on law enforcement operations in Nantes on the occasion of the Fête de la musique.