Wassim Al-Zuhairi-Lebanon

A month has passed since the incident of the Al-Basateen area in Mount Lebanon, and the political paralysis and political tension that has caused them continue to dominate the scene, especially after the complications of the incident have increased beyond the security dimensions of the incident.

The issue that began with the shooting of the Minister of Displacement Affairs Saleh al-Gharib and supporters of the Progressive Socialist Party ended today with a political split between a group led by Hezbollah and the Free Patriotic Movement and the Syrian regime's allies supported by Democratic Party Chairman Talal Arslan's referral to the Justice Council.

On the other hand, there is the position of Prime Minister Saad Hariri's team and the Lebanese Forces Party allied with the Socialist Party led by Walid Jumblatt, who are concerned about a plan to target him.

In the face of this split, the meetings of the Saad Hariri government have been suspended for about a month, in order to avoid the eruption of the dispute between its components, because it is the body empowered to take the decision to refer the incident to the appropriate judicial authority.

Hold on to the referral
According to Arslan, the strange foreign minister was subjected to an armed ambush that requires referring the incident to the Justice Council, the Lebanese supreme judicial authority.

Arslan said in a press conference on Monday that the vote on referring the case to the Justice Council should top the agenda of the next government session, pointing out that all the initiatives that have been aborted, and that he will not make any further concessions as he put it.

On the other hand, the Progressive Socialist Party expresses its distrust of the existence of a plan aimed at its political presence by giving impetus to the forces that oppose it in its areas of influence.

Jumblatt criticized Hezbollah's Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, saying that the latter appointed himself a judge and investigator before the end of the investigation of the security services in the orchard incident, in reference to the position of Nasrallah supporting Arslan.

The leader of the Progressive Socialist Party that what is happening is to pressure him, and the Prime Minister to stand in the ranks of forces opposed to his party, in light of what Jumblatt described the major confrontation between the Iranians and Americans in the region.

Failing initiatives
The general secretary of the Progressive Socialist Party Zafer Nasser said that there is intent to thwart the ongoing initiatives to resolve the issue, amid the tendency of some forces to disrupt the work of the government.

"The negotiations, whether on the Syrian issue or the US-Iranian tension in the Gulf, are still in place," Nasser told Al Jazeera.net. "There are Lebanese political forces directly linked to regional axes that want to capture Lebanon to put it on the negotiating table."

He also stressed that Syria and Iran want a lot of Lebanon, and political parties within it, adding that some Lebanese forces want to say that there is no room for differentiation in the situation with them, or even to prevent the expression of opinion.

"The situation is serious because the crisis is not only political, but there is tension on the ground, especially since there is no chance for the success of any political initiatives," says Lebanese political analyst Amin Qamoria.

Two aspects of the crisis
Kamourieh said that the crisis is two-sided, the first relates to the structure of the Lebanese political system after the civil war, and the second is related to regional developments in Syria, and the American-Iranian confrontation and its repercussions on the inside.

He pointed out that some see an opportunity to weaken Jumblatt in the Lebanese political system, and that there is a Syrian decision to hold him accountable as a result of his positions on the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

He considered that there is a real threat to the continuation of the current government in light of the crisis, considering that it is worrying that there is no possibility of restructuring a government easily.