Zipaquirá (Colombia) (AFP)

Unlike most of his compatriots, Egan Bernal did not form in the Andean peaks but first faced steep forest trails. The probable first Colombian winner in the history of the Tour de France hatched on an ATV.

Born in Bogotá to a modest family, a vigilant father and a working mother in a flower plantation, Bernal grew up in Zipaquira, a mining and agricultural village of 126,000 inhabitants, 42 km from the capital.

It is there that he learns to thwart the traps of bumpy roads traveled every morning, often in the fog. From the age of 8 until his 16 years, the boy trains under the leadership of Fabio Rodriguez who distinguished himself twice on the Vuelta in the early 1990s.

Six years later, Rodriguez still distinguishes his mark in the young champion. "I saw him skid in the Tour de Suisse time trial (this year), a normal cyclist, a driver, would have fallen, but here he demonstrated the technique learned to mountain bike", explains he proudly to AFP.

- A climber and a fast -

Egan Bernal remains Rodriguez's most outstanding foal: a timid and young star who started as a rider barely four seasons ago, but who quickly came back to the peloton.

In 2017, he won the Tour de l'Avenir, in 2018 the Tour of California, before impressing, already, for his first participation in the Tour de France last year.

His victory in the last Tour de Suisse confirms his status as a favorite of the Great Loop, in the absence of Chris Froome, his usual leader at Ineos.

Logically, he is named co-leader of the ex-Sky with Welsh Geraint Thomas, title holder. At 22, he is called to follow in the footsteps of Thomas, Froome or Wiggins, the previous leaders of the British training.

The progress of the climber in the time trials opens new perspectives for him, and does not go unnoticed by the Colombians, traditionally weak in this event.

"He is one of the best climbers on the planet and, moreover, he responds positively to the time," says Mauricio Silva, author of "The Legend of Beetles", a book dedicated to the European achievements of Colombian cyclists, in view for years 80.

- One race after another -

The "beetles" distinguished themselves in the Vuelta (Lucho Herrera winner in 1987, Quintana in 2016) and the Giro (victories of Quintana in 2014 and Carapaz in 2019), but they were never there, until today , reached in the main event of the season, the Tour de France.

Today, in the youth group of Fabio Rodriguez, pedal Ronald, 14 years old, single brother of the champion.

The roar of a chainsaw interrupts the coach: young people cut an immense tree, before carrying it on their shoulders to a truck. Many inhabitants of Zipaquira earn their living.

"That's why I constantly say to kids that it's better to get up early and practice cycling," Rodriguez says.

The success of Egan Bernal is emulated. "There are always more parents who want their children to train," says the one who, until now, was the only international cyclist from Zipaquira.

In spite of his engagements abroad, Bernal remains very attached to his land: he lives near his parents, prepares his races in the neighboring mountains and rolls with his little brother.

At first, "it made me drool, but over time I fell in love with the bike," says Ronald.

For Rodriguez, there is no doubt: in a few years, reporters will return to Zipaquira for another Bernal.

© 2019 AFP