Val Thorens (France) (AFP)

"Everything happens so fast that I do not even realize it": Egan Bernal still did not realize Saturday night that it will become Sunday, except disaster, the first Colombian winner of the Tour de France, at 22 years only.

Q: How do you feel on the eve of becoming the first Colombian to win the Tour?

A: "I still do not believe it, I think I have not analyzed anything yet, just need to get to the hotel, take a shower, and think about what It's going on for half an hour, I do not know how to describe what's happening to me. "

Q: Do you realize the impact of your victory in Colombia?

A: "Everything happens so fast that I do not even realize it's the last few days, for me, it was the same: I got up, I went to see the doctor, I gave my weight, I took my breakfast , then the bus, the briefing, the race, the return to the hotel, the massages, the dinner, the bedtime ... I sometimes did not even have the time to talk to my family, I do not know what it's happening in Colombia or even outside the team, but I guess people have to be happy because it's our first Tour, I'm very happy, proud to be Colombian, we deserve this tour, We have had great cyclists for many years, and I can not wait for the moment when I can bring this jersey back to Colombia. "

Q: Your yellow jersey is all the more incredible because you had to first line up on the Giro ...

A: "Since October, we had planned the Giro, we only thought about it, I think I was in very good shape (to win it) but I fell and my collarbone was broken. hours after the fall, I had a very strong pain, my trainer was almost crying and that's when I wondered how long I had until the Tour de France. If I had not fallen before the Giro, I would certainly not be in that position today. "

Q: You've been the strongest in the two highest peaks of the Tour (Galibier and Iseran), is this a coincidence?

A: "I think I had the advantage because I live at 2600 m in Colombia, I felt much better on those climbs, because I'm a climber and I like to climb for miles, I do not know if it's a coincidence to win this Tour in the highest mountains, but it's clear that they have an advantage for me. "

Q: You are a climber but also a rider. How important is it to win a Grand Tour?

A: "If you are only a good climber but not good in the time trial, you have no chance to fight for victory in the Tour de France, it is not possible. the time trial, even though I lost time, cycling has evolved, and as a runner we have to evolve in the same way and improve, it's good to see that the level goes up , that in a Tour we can fight with climbers but also with time trial riders. "

Q: Do you already think about your future goals?

A: "I just want to cross the finish line in Paris, and then I'll start thinking about it, but it's like a drug, somewhere." Once you win, you think of the next Tour as a cyclist you'll always want a little more, never satisfy yourself, it's a bit like a drug but I want to finish the race first and win the race because I have not won it yet. "

Interviewed at a press conference

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