The Interior Ministry has decided not to renew the residence permit of a 31-year-old Moroccan because of his "anti-Western, conspiracy and directed against French society" speech on Facebook.

The beginning of the case dates back to July 2018. At the time, a thirty-year-old Moroccan had a non-renewed residence permit. In question: comments made on Facebook, as told by the website NextInpact. This thirty-year-old then decided to attack in cancellation the order of the prefect of police. In November 2018, his application was rejected by the administrative court. In mid-July, it is the Court of Appeal of Paris, seized thereafter, which rendered its decision and validated the non-renewal of the residence permit.

A real "threat to public order"

The judges have indeed considered that the individual had on Facebook "an anti-Western, conspiracy and directed against the French society." In addition, he was affiliated with "a large number of people belonging to the radical Islamist movement" on the social network.

The decision of the prefect of police was based on an investigation of intelligence services on the "behavior", "comments" and "writings" of the thirties. The court of appeal specified that "the reality of the threat to the public order that constitutes its presence on the French territory is established".