Agile Spirit 2019 military exercises started jointly with NATO and partners of the bloc in Georgia. More than 3 thousand troops from 14 countries are taking part in them. According to the head of the Georgian Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Vladimir Chachibaya, the maneuvers will be another step forward for Tbilisi to join the alliance.

“The multinational exercises fully comply with the policy declared by our country - more NATO in Georgia and more Georgia in NATO. Agile Spirit 2019 - one of the most large-scale exercises that are held in Georgia. This is another step towards Georgia to NATO, ”he said during the opening.

The commencement ceremony was held on the territory of the second infantry brigade of Georgia in the city of Senaki. It is reported that the maneuvers will take place until August 9. Among the participating countries, in addition to Georgia, are the USA, Great Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Norway, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine.

As reported on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia, the purpose of these exercises is to improve compatibility between the military personnel of the participating countries, as well as to increase the ability to plan and execute operations. It is also noted that they should "contribute to maintaining a stable and secure environment in the Black Sea region."

“Participation in these international exercises is a clear proof that you maintain peace and stability in the region and around the world,” said Brig. General Randel Simons, commander of the army of the United States National Guard, Georgia.

With the help of these exercises, NATO is demonstrating to Russia its presence at its borders, says Federation Council member Igor Morozov.

“They are intended to demonstrate strength and attempt to show that NATO is present at the western and southern borders of the Russian Federation. NATO’s desire is to deploy its bases across the border, right up to the Pacific Ocean, ”he said in an interview with RT.

According to the senator, Georgia has become part of the “NATO mechanism for influencing Russia.”

Moreover, such a large number of servicemen from countries not related to the Black Sea region cannot contribute to the atmosphere of stability and security in this region, said State Duma deputy from the Republic of Crimea Ruslan Balbek.

“We have become accustomed to the multinational NATO exercises and are monitoring them as usual, which, of course, in the event of danger can quickly turn into combat. All this multinational democratic army led by the United States also knows about it and, as they say, plays on nerves. However, Americans need only an increase in tension. The main thing is that it does not escalate into a military conflict, ”he told RT.

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“Such activity does not lead to stabilization”

Recall that during the NATO summit dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the organization, the organization’s secretary general Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance would increase its intelligence activities in the Black Sea region, including developing cooperation with Georgia and Ukraine. According to him, the preservation of the presence of NATO in this "vital region" is due to the military strengthening of Russia.

“We agreed on a package of measures to improve our awareness of the situation, increase our support for Ukraine and Georgia in such areas as training of the naval forces and the coast guard, as well as calls at ports, exercises and information sharing,” he said.

These exercises are used by NATO to increase pressure against Russia, said Konstantin Blokhin, an expert at the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in a conversation with RT.

“This is a tool to contain Russia. They cooperate with Georgia, but do not accept it in NATO. Obviously, this is beneficial to the Americans, but not beneficial to the Georgians themselves. Americans will continue to cooperate with it, strengthen cooperation with Ukraine, and possibly with other countries, ”he said.

So, in June, Adam Smith, the head of the US House of Representatives Committee on Armed Forces, called on the Pentagon to develop a strategy to counter Russia on the Black Sea. The corresponding item is specified in the draft law on the US defense budget for 2020.

At the same time, US President Donald Trump supports the aspiration of Georgia to join NATO. This was announced by the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during a joint speech with the head of the Georgian government, Mamuka Bakhtadze.

According to Blokhin, the United States intends to achieve "addiction" from the international community from the presence of Washington and its allies in the Black Sea region.

“They are trying to internationalize the Black Sea, trying to convince Russia and the entire international community to get used to the vigorous activity of the United States and its allies in this region ... Such activity does not lead to any stabilization,” the expert said.