The Abu Dhabi Court of Cassation upheld the death sentence issued by the Court of Appeal of Al Ain for a Gulf man convicted of a murder committed in a mosque for a 30-year retaliation. The court also charged the offender with possession of weapons and gunshots without permission, , And convicted of threatening others and endangering their lives.

The Abu Dhabi Public Prosecution referred the convict to the Criminal Court on charges of premeditated murder on the grounds of retaliation and, in the referral order, ordered the maximum penalty for the perpetrator of premeditated murder, punishable by death.

The details of the case that shook the city of Al-Ain earlier, to the intention of the intention to kill the victim, where he prepared for this purpose a firearm, and went to the area of ​​residence, and stayed close to the door of the mosque, which he realized the destination of the victim, In which he grabbed the victim and shot him from the back and fired several bullets at his head and various parts of his body. He fled before handing himself over to the police station.

Investigations have proven that the intent to kill is pervasive in the same defendant. Evidence of the evidence indicates that the defendant raided the victim's place without taking into account the sanctity of the place of worship. He claimed the right to retaliate by killing the victim The right of legal guardians and guardian.

The prosecution also charged the accused with possession and possession of a firearm and ammunition without the authorization of the competent authorities and other than those authorized by law, and the abuse of Islamic sanctities and practices by committing the crime inside the mosque. And was accompanied by a request to refrain from prosecution after his escape after committing the crime and the charge of possession and abuse of psychotropic substances.

In the referral decision, Abu Dhabi Public Prosecution confirmed that these crimes and their perpetrators are firmly protected under the rule of law and the protection and guarantee of the laws of the state for the rights of all members of the society, calling for avoiding the repulsive and criminal acts that affect the social fabric and provoke tribal or sectarian strife, The society to stay away from the behaviors that are contrary to the law, and the distance from fanaticism and criminalized acts of law, which are faced with determination, and stressed the work always to take the necessary action against anyone who violates the law.