The Qatari response to the record, which proved its involvement in the bombings and terrorist attacks in Somalia, appeared closer to "recognition" of "justification" and to the country's confusion in dealing with the various crises facing Doha, according to Sky News Arabia.

Qatar's response came hours after details of a leaked call published by the New York Times last Monday brought together Qatari businessman Khalifa Kayed al-Mohannadi and the country's ambassador to Mogadishu Hassan bin Hamza Hashim. Bombings in the Somali port of Bosasso to promote the interests of Qatar.

The Qatari government liaison office issued a statement denying the Doha connection. He tried to disavow Kayed al-Muhannadi, a close associate of the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. "Al-Muhannadi does not represent Qatar and has no right to issue a comment on behalf of the government. Investigate what this person has done and will bear the consequences of the responsibility of his comments. "

The Qatari statement claimed that Doha had requested a copy of the recordings published by the New York Times to "support the investigation of the newspaper, but this request was not accepted due to the editorial policies of the newspaper," the statement added: "The Office respects the policies of the newspaper , And will not take further action in this regard ».

But the statement avoided commenting on the role of the Qatari ambassador in Mogadishu, the other party involved in the phone call, about the terrorist bombings, and it is certain that the dubious Doha response reflects its floundering in dealing with the issue, to the extent that it recognizes between the lines involvement in the crises in Somalia.

Although the reply was an attempt to disavow the Qatari businessman, he did not deny that Muhannadi was close to the emir of Qatar. His name was repeated more than once, most recently in an Indonesian media report when he was a member of the delegation accompanying the Emir of Qatar to the Asian country .

According to the website of Al-Arabiya TV, two years ago, the Lebanese newspaper Lechner Enchien revealed information on the lips of a Libyan army spokesman, Col. Ahmed Al-Mesmari, who confirmed that a Qatari intelligence officer working a lot in Tunisia is financing terrorists in Libya, Money from his account in a bank in Tunisia towards another bank, in the state of Tataouine, and then reach these funds to Libya, estimated the value of these funds by eight billion dollars.

Al-Mismari was quoted by the newspaper as saying that the Qatari intelligence man was the successor to Kayed al-Mohannadi, who frequented the visit to Tunisia under the cover of the Houbara hunting season, as well as to talk about tourist projects in Tozeur.

The New York Times confirmed that it received a voice recording of the Qatari ambassador in Somalia, Hassan bin Hamza Hashim, confirms the involvement of Doha in bombings carried out by terrorist elements to support and promote the interests of Qatar, and noted that the newspaper that the Qatari ambassador did not deny voice recording, did not express displeasure to implement The radio said that the voice recording was a phone call to the ambassador with Muhannadi. When contacted, Al-Muhannadi did not deny the call, which took place on May 18, and said that he was talking to the ambassador Qataris as citizens and not as official officials.

Earlier, US security reports confirmed that Qatar was involved in funding the terrorist youth movement al-Shabaab in Somalia and that known financiers living in Qatar freely played a pivotal role in financing the movement associated with al-Qaeda and calling on terrorists. Bin Omair al-Nuaimi, who, according to a report by the US Treasury Department, has a close relationship with al-Shabaab leader Hassan Aweys and has transferred about $ 250,000 in 2012 to leaders of the movement, classified as international terrorism lists. , That the former US ambassador to the United Nations In 2009, Susan Rice asked Turkey to pressure Qatar to stop funding al Shabaab. Rice said the funding was channeled through the transfer of funds to Somalia through Eritrea.

• Al-Mohannadi accompanied the Emir of Qatar on an overseas visit, and Al-Mismari confirmed that he was a Qatari intelligence officer involved in supporting terrorists in Libya and working under the guise of a businessman.