Such a statement he made in the course of an interview for the film of the Dutch journalist Max van der Werff, who attempted to understand the circumstances that led to the catastrophe.

According to Sakri, shortly after receiving the recorders, FBI representatives approached him with a request to transfer them to them.

“They appealed to me to show them the black box. I said no, RIA Novosti quotes him.

In addition, according to Sakri, representatives of the Ukrainian side made the same attempt.

“We said no.” We can not. We cannot allow this, ”concluded the colonel.

The film, as noted, shows a document that reinforces the fact of the transfer of black boxes by the authorities of the self-proclaimed DNR - the Malaysians.

On a flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, Boeing of Malaysia Airlines crashed in July 2014 in the sky over the Donetsk region.

As a result of the crash killed 283 passengers and 15 crew members.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that depoliticization and a professional approach to investigating the tragedy in the skies over the Donbas will help establish the cause of the incident.