Paris (AFP)

Brigitte Fontaine, Miossec, Raphael, Thiefaine and Fire! Chatterton, accompanied by the musicians of Bashung, will participate on October 2 in a "heritage concert", tribute of a new kind to the singer disappeared ten years ago, announced Wednesday the National Audiovisual Institute at AFP .

On the stage of the Grand Rex, in Paris, the INA, guardian of the radio and television archives, will bring together many artists, friends and fellow travelers of Bashung, with the support and participation of Chloé Mons, widow of the singer of "Gaby" and "Dizziness of love".

Under the direction of guitarist Yan Péchin, faithful collaborator of the singer, and the rock critic Christian Eudeline, this concert entitled "Immortal Bashung", combining archival footage and tributes with orchestra, will offer rare sequences of the singer (TV interviews, extracts from concerts ...), selected by the INA and screened for the first time on the big screen.

"This heritage concert is a new way of cultural expression and a new creative proposal to make our content ever more accessible to as many people as possible," says INA whose innumerable archives are already accessible to the general public on its website.

In April, the INA, which is also in charge of the Musical Research Group (GRM), a French pioneer of electroacoustic music, organized a first public event, INASOUND, an electro music festival held in Paris. Palais Brongniart, the former Paris Stock Exchange.

Bashung performed at the Grand Rex in 1987. Shortly before his death, the singer had the project to return to play his latest album, "Blue Petrol".

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