“In eight districts there are 26 protective structures, our task is to restore them before the autumn rains. This work is very big. Their total cost of restoration is about 1.3 billion rubles, we have to do this before the autumn floods, ”TASS quotes him.

According to him, the municipalities, the regional ministry of natural resources and the Ministry of Construction of Russia are currently working on this issue.

June 27 in the Irkutsk region began heavy floods. According to the latest data, the element claimed the lives of 25 people. The search continues for eight locals who are missing. Almost 11 thousand houses turned out to be in the disaster zone, more than 34 thousand people lived in them.

Irkutsk-born musician Denis Matsuev commented on a flood in the Irkutsk region in an interview with NSN.

About how the residents of the Irkutsk region cope with the consequences of the flood - in the material RT.