As noted, the chairman of the department, Alexander Bastrykin, within the framework of the trip, held a meeting with the staff of the investigative department in Bratsk.

Bastrykin studied the materials of the inspections and heard the progress of the investigation into the case of the negligence of officials in the event of an emergency as a result of floods, which led to the death of 25 citizens.

"The chairman instructed to investigate as thoroughly as possible all the circumstances related to the tragic consequences, and to identify all those who have shown negligence," the report says.

In addition, it was entrusted to verify the circumstances of the emergency, as well as, if necessary, to provide victims with legal assistance.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the city of Tulun in the Irkutsk region, affected by the flood.

The head of state met with local residents who told how they had to cope with the disaster.

At the meeting, Putin criticized the officials responsible for the elimination of the consequences of the flood. According to him, poorly organized information to citizens, as well as the construction of housing and infrastructure.

Read more in RT material.