“Clean up here”

Vladimir Putin visited the flood-hit Irkutsk region. He examined the areas that were affected by the disaster, and accommodation centers for citizens.

In addition, the head of state held a meeting with members of the government, heads of departments and municipalities. Officials reported on the tasks set by the president during his first visit to the region on June 30. Then Putin signed a list of orders and a decree in which the flood was recognized as a federal emergency.

The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko, Emergencies Minister Evgeny Zinichev, Health Minister Olga Skvortsova, Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva, Presidential Envoy to the Siberian Federal District Sergey Menyaylo, Irkutsk Region Governor Sergey Levchenko and a number of other officials.

During the meeting, Putin expressed dissatisfaction with the progress of work to eliminate the consequences of the flood.

"Given the fact that I heard there (at a meeting with residents. - RT ), I can not recognize the elimination of the consequences of the flood satisfactory," said the head of state.

According to the president, informing citizens is poorly organized.

“First, the awareness of citizens is very poorly organized. They themselves heard that they don’t know where to go, there is no information, what a person has the right to, cannot expect, where to get any information, where to restore the documents, ”said the president.

He drew attention to the document recovery process and the distribution of humanitarian aid.

“They heard, probably, what they were saying today: how humanitarian aid is distributed. Unfortunately, there are cases when it is just scattered. In water. Is this how the fieldwork is organized? This is such a gratitude to people for taking care of the victims? ”Said the head of state.

Separately, the president referred to the distribution of financial assistance directed to the residents of the flooded areas. According to him, money from the federal budget was allocated and came quickly.

“But with surprise I just heard today that not only for completely lost housing, not only housing that was lost by half, but even for some 10,000 rubles, some did not receive. What is this? What does it mean? So, I ask you to urgently deal with this. Put things in order here, ”the president said.

In addition, the president called on the authorities of any level to treat ordinary citizens with respect and not to allow them to be “swagger and rudeness”.

“Unfortunately, people are faced with this. Surprisingly, but true. I ask leaders of all levels to keep this in mind and do everything so that people do not see anything like this, but on the contrary, that they are treated with respect and understanding, ”Putin said.

He urged to carry out restoration work, focusing on the result, and not "for show".

“Nobody needs these reports and ticks. It should promptly restore housing, engineering and social infrastructure, ”said the head of state. He also urged to provide residents of the disaster-affected areas with housing before the winter.

The president said that he would personally monitor the progress of work in the flood-hit region.

“I will come in early September and look again at how this was done,” the president said.

In addition, the president ordered to work as soon as possible on the final assessment of agricultural losses and to organize the payment of compensation. In addition to this, he mentioned the need for the speedy introduction of a ban on the construction of housing in flooded areas.

“I ask the government to quickly complete the formation of a legal framework in this area, and the regions to speed up work on determining the boundaries of such territories and their inclusion in territorial planning documents. I hope that colleagues in the regions will hear me today, ”Putin said.

"It is called a simple Russian word - confusion"

Before the meeting, the President examined the flood affected areas. Putin stressed that it is important to maintain a balance: on the one hand, to restore the region as soon as possible, and on the other, to ensure the quality of housing.

“The question is not to quickly build, although it is important, but to build qualitatively, so that later it does not collapse and freeze through the house,” Putin said. “Therefore, it is necessary to do it faster, but also to do it qualitatively, and if both are incompatible, then you need to find some other solution.”

The Russian leader also noted that the authorities will try to help people who have suffered dacha houses as a result of the flood. He urged to strictly monitor the expenditure of funds allocated for disaster relief.

Recall that on the eve of Putin’s visit to the Irkutsk Region, the Russian government approved the decision to allocate more than 14 billion rubles from the reserve fund for housing to the victims. The Emergency Situations Ministry previously reported that 1.7 billion rubles have already been paid to 53 thousand residents of the region.

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Putin also denied rumors that the flood in the Irkutsk region could be associated with explosive works. According to him, such reasons are not considered.

However, the head of state agreed that the flood would not have been so large-scale if it were not for massive illegal logging. He assured that the fight against such crimes will continue.

The President also met with residents of the city of Tulun, which was hardest hit by the flood. Putin talked with the townspeople twice - at the temporary accommodation center and on the route of the president’s motorcade. In total, the president’s conversation with residents lasted about half an hour.

Local residents told how they had to cope with a natural disaster, and also appealed to the president for help. It was mainly about the restoration of housing and documents, as well as the receipt of compensation payments.

At the location of the victims, Putin met with the Safronov family. Six-year-old Matvey told the president that he could not yet go to kindergarten, because there is a repair going on there. The head of state promised to return to the region again to check the progress of the restoration work.

Another child, a boy named Dima, asked the president for a radio control car. Putin assured that he would fulfill the request.

“Dima, you will be a machine. What do you want? Mercedes? I will try, ”said the president.

The head of state talked with employees of the region’s Ministry of Labor, police, prosecutors, the Pension Fund and psychologists who receive citizens on the first floor of the accommodation center.

During another meeting with local residents, the president complained about problems with receiving payments. So, one woman said that her daughters of the authorities could not clearly explain how she would receive the money. As a result, it was not on the list of residents who were entitled to pay, and the funds were not received.

“This is called a simple Russian word - confusion,” Putin said.

With a number of appeals, the president promised to work individually.

Recall that in eight districts of the Irkutsk region, the state of emergency continues to operate because of the flood that began in late June. During the disaster in the area 107 settlements and almost 11 thousand houses and household plots were flooded. The damage was caused to 49 socially significant objects and the same number of roads. Also damaged 22 bridges.

More than 38 thousand people suffered from the flood. In this case, 25 people were killed, seven more are missing.