"At the moment, 65 cases of poisoning ... it is unlikely that the number of hospitalized will grow," TASS quoted the words of the representative of the department.

He clarified that there are 17 victims in hospitals.

Rospotrebnadzor also reported on the closure of two Healthy Food cafes in the south-east of Moscow, as well as 48 vending machines after the discovery of expired and unlabelled products.

According to the results of the inspection, the ministry seized about 3 tons of the company's products.

It turned out that on some products the manufacturer intentionally indicated future release dates or extended shelf life.

Earlier it was reported that as a result of poisoning with products from Healthy food machines in Moscow, 51 people suffered.

URA.RU reported that a test began in the Urals after a mass poisoning of 60 sports school pupils and coaches after dinner in the Anapa-Yekaterinburg train car restaurant.