NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Electronic cigarettes can seriously damage neural stem cells in the brain, leading to damage and death, especially in fetuses and young people, a recent US study warned.

Neural stem cells are cells that have the ability to generate cells that grow and differentiate into neurons and glands (non-neuronal cells act to isolate neurons and promote the speed at which nerve cells send nerve signals).

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of California, and published in the journal Science (iScience).

Electronic cigarettes work through a heat heater to heat a liquid containing the nicotine inside it. The liquid turns into nicotine vapor inhaled by smokers instead of burned, as in normal cigarettes.

The researchers did not yet understand how chemicals in electronic cigarettes could affect nerve stem cells, particularly mitochondria, which are responsible for generating energy within cells to maintain them.

To understand this mechanism, the team used nerve stem cells implanted in mice to determine the underlying mechanism behind nerve cell damage caused by e-cigarette smoking.

The team found that these cells had increased stress-induced mitochondria, especially in fetuses whose mothers smoked electronic cigarettes, as they were less harmful than traditional cigarettes, as well as those in young age.

"Short-term exposure to electronic cigarette smoke can strain nerve stem cells in a way that, with repeated use, can lead to cell death or disease," said lead researcher Dr. Atina Zahedi.

"Metocondria can damage stem cells that can accelerate aging and lead to neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia," she said.

"The exposure of embryos to nicotine during the period of growth in the womb or during adolescence, can affect the brain in several ways may lead to impairment of memory, learning and perception."

Previous studies have revealed that the flavors used in electronic cigarettes cause inflammatory and oxidative responses in lung cells, and the effects of these flavors extend to the blood, they are toxic and cause the programmed death of white blood cells.