Lyon (AFP)

"I feel deeply American," said US striker Megan Rapinoe on Wednesday in Lyon, citing the "ideals" of his country, after his statements against Donald Trump.

"If you want to talk about what we (and our country) were founded on, our songs and our hymn, I'm terribly American," said the player who boycotted the national anthem, in the wake of the American footballer Colin Kaepernick, protesting police brutality against blacks.

"Maybe you do not always agree with my way of doing it, we can discuss it, I know I'm not perfect, but I think I'm fighting for truth and honesty, for that we look at the country honestly, "she continued.

"We are in a wonderful country, there are many things I could not have done elsewhere, but that does not mean that we should not strive to be better," added the 33-year-old. .

"I think this country was founded on a lot of great ideals, but it was also based on slavery, we have to be really honest about it and talk about it openly so that we can come to terms with each other and go from there. before".

The attacker recently took a stand against Donald Trump announcing that she would not go to the White House in case of a title, because the head of state does not "fight for the same things as us".

She is currently playing in the World Cup, but did not take part in Tuesday's semifinal win over England because of a hamstring injury. She hopes to be back for the final Sunday in Lyon.

? 2019 AFP