Laith Nateq - Baghdad

Over the past four years, popular mobilization forces have taken a large share of the debate on the Iraqi street. Controversial opinion makers have been raising the barrage of sharp debate on television and across social media platforms, sometimes threatening, But most of them agreed to support Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi's decision to structure the crowd, which is seen as an adjunct to the role of his factions, analysts said.

The resolution requires all components of the mobilization to comply with the orders of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and to give up subheadings, the best of the factions between compliance or the transition to demilitarized political organizations, and other instructions ending with subsequent orders for the structure and composition of the Popular Assembly.

Sadr welcomes restructuring decision (Reuters)

The most difficult challenge
The decision, which was welcomed by the leader of the Sadrist movement Moqtada al-Sadr and the Secretary General of the movement of "Asaib Ahl al-Haq" Qais al-Khazali and a number of other leaders of the armed factions and different political parties, included by some observers in the inventory of arms by the state and subject the armed forces to the force of law, In reality.

The implementation of the decision also threatens an armed rebellion or political opposition or splits and conflicts in the Shiite house, according to researcher in the security affairs Hisham al-Hashemi, who believes that the Prime Minister's talk about the subsequent regulatory instructions distinguish between the disciplined faction and the outside of the law, and this requires prosecution.

A member of the Committee on Security and Defense parliamentary in the Iraqi parliament MP rates Agaibi that the process of arming the hand of the state will not be easy, and said in his speech to the island Net that "the disarmament of armed factions and integration into the military system will take a long time because it needs an administrative arrangement and find positions belonging to these factions "He said.

"There is no change in the status of the crowd and its status, but it deals with some details, such as the military rank and the level of armament," the official said.

Hisham al-Hashemi saw that the implementation of the resolution warns of armed rebellion or political opposition or splits in the Shiite house (the island)

Shadows of politics
A spectrum of readers of the scene is referring to the change that the leaders of the armed factions have undergone after they have become part of the political process to put some reason for their compatibility with the resolution and their support or the silence of others.

Al-Hashemi said Al-Jazeera Net that the principle of "invest the fatwa and make your way" was enough for the success of leaders of the factions of the political crowd and have a sixth of the parliament and will have the same proportion of the executive government after they realized that their rhetoric will not fit the new international positions.

The popular crowd, which relies on armed factions accused of being close to Tehran, emerged under the fatwa of the supreme Shiite authority, Ali al-Sistani, after the invasion of the Islamic state organization of Iraqi territory, which was followed by many charges throughout the process of restoring land from the organization. Factions to play a potential role for Iran in the midst of its tumultuous crisis with the United States.

The decisions of Abdul Mahdi, opening the door to many interpretations, some of which go to messages abroad, or away from the range of charges, especially with the repeated Iraqi officials to express Iraq's neutral position in this crisis.

The political analyst Abbas al-Jubouri that this position of neutrality will be a position of the crowd and factions, likely to abide by instructions to the seriousness of the current regional situation first, and as part of the Iraqi military system II.