WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran has violated a nuclear deal that allowed it to earn $ 150 billion before taking office, Trump said, noting that there have been no countries paying anything so far, while Iranian President Hassan Rowhani threatened Europe that his country "Will take the next step" in raising the level of uranium enrichment next Sunday, and said that starting July 7, the rate of uranium enrichment will not be 3.67%, but "Iran will enrich whatever you want."

In detail, President Trump said Iran was violating the nuclear deal and was now exceeding the limit for the low-enriched uranium stockpile.

"Iran is violating the $ 150 billion nuclear deal, along with $ 8.1 billion in cash, with the United States and with others who paid nothing, before he became president for a long time," Trump said in a Twitter account yesterday.

"They are now overstepping the limit of stock, which is not good," he said.

On the other hand, the Iranian president threatened to raise the rate of uranium enrichment to any levels needed, and added that the nuclear reactor Arak will return to the level of its previous activities.

Rohani's comments came yesterday to increase pressure on European partners to salvage the nuclear deal after the United States withdrew from it last year.

The agency "Fares" Rohani, his criticism, during the meeting of the Council of Ministers yesterday, to silence Europe against the US embargo.

"Our people have a problem to secure their necessary needs, but the Europeans are watching," he said. "A year ago they kept silent and did not utter a word."

"Before that, we sent a letter to the leaders of five European countries, and we issued a statement and announced that in order to maintain the agreement, we reduced our commitments," Rouhani said.

He added that «reducing the obligations of Iran, was not to strike, but to maintain the nuclear agreement, and if we do not take action to eliminate the nuclear agreement, so and in order to maintain the agreement, and because the counterparty has not fulfilled its obligations, we reduced in return our commitments, to balance, Construction is stable. "

Fars News Agency quoted Revolutionary Guards commander Major General Hussein Salami as saying that the enemy was concerned about the possibility of a military confrontation and focused instead on economic warfare.

In this context, media reports, Iranian and international, had indicated last Monday that Iran exceeded the limit of enriched uranium, and exceeded the amount available to the threshold of 300 kg.

For its part, said the French Foreign Ministry, yesterday, that Iran will not gain anything from violating the terms of the nuclear agreement, in response to Tehran's announcement that it will increase the level of uranium enrichment.

"Iran will not gain anything from the Vienna agreement," French Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Agnes von der Mol told reporters in a daily statement.

"Doubt about the agreement will only increase the already escalating tensions in the region," she said.

Iran said on Monday its stockpile of low-enriched uranium (HEU) had exceeded its limit, the first major violation of the nuclear deal.

"For this reason, France and its European partners strongly urge Iran to withdraw from enrichment without delay and to refrain from further measures that undermine its nuclear commitments," von der Mol said.

In turn, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed last night that the looting of the Iranian nuclear archive was in coordination with US President Donald Trump.

Netanyahu said at the award ceremony that he had endorsed the operation, saying it would help persuade the US president to withdraw from the nuclear deal, which he described as "dangerous." He added that Trump was involved with the idea of ​​the operation before it was implemented, and that he would send Mossad agents to Tehran to bring the nuclear archive to Israel, adding that Trump asked about the seriousness of the operation, and responded that the result justified the risk.

He confirmed that he had no doubt that the looting of the nuclear archive helped Trump to ratify the withdrawal from the nuclear agreement with Iran.

The award, called "Israel's Security", which is usually granted to projects and operations for its security, was presented in the office of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin in the presence of IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi and Director-General of the Ministry of Security, Adam Adam, The Iranian nuclear project, the Hizballah Exploration Project, advanced air-to-surface weapons and a development project in the fields of Data Science to detect hostile operations.

"The enemy is learning, learning lessons, developing new methods and developing with the years, so we must take them forward for years and create a generation gap between our enemy technology and technology," Rivlin said. "The gaps are shrinking daily in the technological world."

Netanyahu accused Iran on Sunday of violating the nuclear deal to "blackmail" the international community to ease economic pressure on Tehran. "This week, Iran publicly violated the nuclear deal by increasing its stockpile of enriched uranium allowed under the agreement," Netanyahu said at a reception in Jerusalem on the occasion of American Independence Day.

"This regime hopes by breaking the agreement that it can blackmail the world to make concessions and ease economic pressure on it," he said.

"We have to do the exact opposite. Now is the time to increase the pressure. Now is the time to stick to our position. "

In a repeat of his remarks, Netanyahu urged Europe to increase pressure on Iran. "The time has come for European powers to follow America's lead and re-impose sanctions on Iran, as promised in the UN Security Council," he said.