Iran's military-backed Al-Houthi militia continued its military escalation on the west coast of Yemen by creating barricades, digging trenches, sending more reinforcements and dozens of militants to Hodeidah. The Yemeni army forces came close to the Saada and Hajja fronts, Al-Muzraq area between the two governorates and securing the road between them. The legitimate forces continued the military operations in Dhala with the support of the Arab Coalition for Support of Legitimacy, which foiled the attempted infiltration of militias towards the Hajar area. Of the Huthis.

In addition, the Yemeni army continued to advance on the Saada fronts, and was able to control new positions in the Al-Mazraq area between Hajjah and Saada and secured the road between them. Between the two districts of Zaher in Saada and Harad in Hajjah, and is on its way to docking between the two fronts of the two provinces.

The forces of legitimacy was able to control the fire on the line between the Almzraq in the isolation of the gap and Almlait and surrounding areas, and resulted in the recent clashes killed and wounded a number of elements of the militias Houthi.

In Hodeidah on the western coast of Yemen, the Houthi militias continued to bombard the sites of the giants and residential neighborhoods north of the town of Hays south of Hodeidah with various types of artillery and machine guns. The field sources reported that the militias used 82 mm mortar shells, B10, in addition to the firing of medium machine guns 14.5 and 12.7, while continuing to send large military reinforcements, and the mobilization of new forces towards the Directorate of Hiss and other areas in the province of Hodeidah, which reveals the determination of the militias to eliminate the peace process that Sponsored by the United Nations in Hodeidah.

Local sources revealed the intensification of Houthi militias the development of barricades and digging trenches in the residential areas inside the city of Hodeidah, after failing to overcome the lines of contact Yemeni forces shared during the past few days, noting that the militias and within the unprecedented escalation not only fired missiles and bullets, but many Of attempts to infiltrate and attack, in order to advance and control the neighborhoods liberated.

Field sources warned of the movement of militias and continue to pay armed groups on the fronts of the West Coast and inside the city of Hodeidah, and the introduction of reinforcements from outside the province in the context of the continued escalation in parallel with UN moves to achieve progress in the implementation of the agreement on Hudaidah Sweden, including the withdrawal of Houthi militias from the city and its ports.

The new reinforcements included dozens of gunmen on vehicles crossing the Directorate of the Dahi through the departments of Zaidi and Bagel, north and north-east of Hodeidah, to the city, coming from Mahwit and Rameh through the northern port in the line and the Sham point.

In Dhala, the number of child victims in a stone front who were shot by al-Houthi militia snipers rose to four children who were sniped during the past two days. The last child, Mohammed Saleh al-Mashraqi, 14, was shot by a Houthi sniper in Wadi Kharf in Bab Gulq northeast Directorate of Qataba, in the context of the series of systematic targeting of civilians by the Houthi elements.

Local sources said that the militia sniper stationed on one of the hills overlooking the area of ​​Hajar, and shot the child while in his farm between the villages of Hamr al-Sada, and Kfla, and died of the child immediately after penetrating the body of a sniper.

In the meantime, witnessed the fronts of Maris and stone confrontations and military operations of the joint forces, which received reinforcements by the fourth military region, and received considerable support from the coalition fighters, which targeted a series of raids an attempt to infiltrate the militias towards the area of ​​Hajar and Abtbtha, and Houthi armed elements killed and wounded, and destroyed a number Of the mechanisms, and failed attempts to advance the militias towards Zubairiat and luxury, and another towards the isolation of Habil Al-Zubba, and the Yemeni resistance was able to secure the hills of "Awish - Slim", after the expulsion of militias from them.

In Al-Jouf, the Yemeni army forces were supported by the alliance to thwart attacks by the Houthis in the area of ​​Al-Kaif in Al-Zahra, and the militias killed a number of them, including a leader. A guided missile-borne missile was destroyed in Salba. A number of militia members were killed and wounded in an ambush And four members of the militia were killed in the front of Ham during an attempt to infiltrate into a Yemeni military positions in the Directorate of Mtoun.

In al-Bayda, tribal sources in the area of ​​Radha confirmed that the Houthi militias worked to sow discord between the tribes of Abbas and Riam, and led to the fighting that led to the deaths of 11 people and wounding 15 others.

• Four children were killed by snipers of the Huthi militias in Dhala in two days.

• The Yemeni army destroys guided missiles at the militias in Al-Jawf and the killing of 4 Houthis in Mtoun.