The Ministry of Defense published the names of 14 sailors who died as a result of a fire at a deep-sea research apparatus of the Russian Navy.

“The submariners of the crew of the deep-sea research apparatus of the Russian Navy were true patriots of the Motherland, the highest professionals, repeatedly awarded state awards for the performance of military duty and the tasks of the higher command,” the ministry website says.

Among them are seven captains of the 1st rank: Heroes of Russia Denis Dolonsky and Nikolay Filin, Vladimir Abankin, Andrey Voskresensky, Konstantin Ivanov, Denis Oparin and Konstantin Somov.

Three were captains of the 2nd rank: Alexander Avdonin, Sergey Danilchenko and Dmitry Solovyov. Viktor Kuzmin and Vladimir Sukhinichev had the rank of captain of the 3rd rank.

Among the dead were Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service Alexander Vasilyev and Lieutenant Commander Mikhail Dubkov.

“They all more than once took part in the most difficult underwater expeditions to explore the Arctic with diving to the extreme depths. Thanks to timely, dedicated and competent actions, submariners, at the cost of their lives, eliminated the source of fire, saved their comrades and the deep-water apparatus, ”the ministry stressed.

    Earlier, the Ministry of Defense reported that Dmitry Solovyov brought the civilian out of the compartment in which the fire started, hit the hatch and continued helping the other team members to eliminate the source of fire.

    “Immediately after the withdrawal of a civilian specialist from the compartment, Dmitry Solovyov dragged a hatch for non-proliferation of fire throughout the deep-water apparatus. Then the officer continued to fight for the survivability of the ship in the emergency compartment along with other crew members, ”the Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

    Earlier, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stressed that all the dead submariners will be presented to state awards, and their families will receive help and support from the Ministry of Defense.

    “The submariners on board were unique military specialists — highly skilled professionals who conducted important studies on the Earth’s hydrosphere,” Shoigu said. “All the dead officers will be presented with state awards.”

    "Mourning Day for Russia"

    On Wednesday, July 3, mourning events were held in Murmansk in connection with the death of sailors. Residents carried flowers to the memorial to submariners who died in peacetime.

    “Today is a mourning day for both Murmansk and Russia. We mourn the submariners killed in the line of duty, and express our condolences to the relatives of the dead, ”said the Chairman of the Murmansk Regional Duma Sergey Dubova.

    Also in all the churches of the Murmansk Metropolis, requiem services were organized for the dead sailors.

    “An unexpected hour of testing came, and the guys fulfilled their duty in the fighting position to the end, fulfilling the task of protecting our Motherland. There are no words that could express our common grief, but also our deep gratitude to those who daily risk their lives for us, ”the website of the diocese cites the words of Metropolitan of Murmansk and Monchegorsk Mitrofan.

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    The memory of the dead submariners honored in Sevastopol. Residents brought flowers to the memorial sign of Murmansk.

    “This is a tragedy not only for the Northern Fleet, but also for Sevastopol, and Russia. We grieve with the families and friends of the victims. Our graduates serve in the Northern Fleet, and today the Sevastopol residents of all returns, our submarine veterans empathize with this tragedy, ”said the governor of Sevastopol Dmitry Ovsyannikov.

    About the accident

    About the death of 14 submariners at the research apparatus of the Navy became known on July 2, the tragedy itself occurred the day before. According to the Defense Ministry, the sailors were poisoned by combustion products.

    The incident occurred in the territorial waters of Russia in the Barents Sea during bathymetric measurements - the study of the seabed. After the accident, the device was delivered to the naval base in Severomorsk.

    Nikolai Evmenov, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, was appointed to be responsible for investigating the causes of the incident. The preliminary investigation into the death of the divers began and the Investigation Committee.

    “Upon the death of submariners as a result of a fire at a research deepwater apparatus in the Russian territorial waters, a pre-investigation investigation is carried out. Based on its results, a procedural decision will be made, ”said the official representative of the IC, Svetlana Petrenko.

    Shortly after it became known about the death of submariners, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with Shoigu. The head of state ordered the Minister of Defense to personally hear reports on the accident and then report back to him.

    At the same time, a part of information about what happened with the naval apparatus cannot be disclosed, since it is a state secret. This was announced by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

    “This state secret is being observed in the interests of the state and in the interests of state security. Therefore, it is an absolutely normal practice when such information is not disclosed in any way, ”he said.