Andrei Boginsky, Director General of the Russian Helicopters holding, announced the completion of the preliminary design of the promising Ka-65 Minoga helicopter. It is being created to replace the Ka-27 antisubmarine deck machine, which has been in service with the Russian Navy since the 1980s.

“This is not a research project, it is the result of a draft technical project. We are continuing with the Ministry of Defense to form the TZ (technical assignment. - RT ) for the next stage, for the development work, ”said Boginsky in an interview with TASS.

A top manager called the Ka-65 a completely new car. According to him, the equipment of “Lampa” will be unified with modern models, which are produced by Russian industry. The development of the project is entrusted to JSC Kamov.

  • Naval aviation helicopter
  • © Vitaly V.Kuzmin

In a conversation with RT, the chief designer of KB-602 of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Dmitry Dyakonov, stressed that Kamovians have a difficult task to solve. Nevertheless, the world-famous enterprise has all the necessary competencies for creating a new generation marine machine, the expert believes.

“There are a number of special requirements for the sea helicopter. For example, a car should land and take off in pitching conditions. The aerodynamics of the deck helicopter and the control system differ markedly from the military model. Also, the sea helicopter must withstand the effects of salt fog. Strong anticorrosive requirements are imposed on the materials from which it is produced, ”explained Deacon.

"Replacement of the Ka-27 is necessary"

Information about the development of "Lamprey" first appeared in August 2015. On the fields of the international aerospace show in Zhukovsky, the head of the naval aviation of the Russian Navy, Major General Igor Kozhin, said that by 2020 Kamov should submit a new helicopter. The machine will be designed to detect, track and destroy enemy submarines.

In August 2016, Sergey Mikheev, General Designer of the Kamov JSC, said that it would take about ten years to complete development work on the Minoh. According to him, the command of the Navy confirmed "the need to develop a new generation helicopter."

In September 2016, Deputy Director General of Russian Helicopters, Alexander Shcherbinin, said that the holding had determined the technical appearance of "Lamprey". However, referring to the secrecy of work, he declined to name the tactical and technical characteristics (TTH) Ka-65.

Two months later, Igor Chechikov, a colleague of Shcherbinin, deputy head of Russian Helicopters, said that a prototype machine would be created after 2020. According to him, the holding has agreed with the Ministry of Defense of the TTX and the operational qualities of the Ka-65.

According to the developer, "Lamprey" will be a universal machine, "quickly transformed into various applications." The overall dimensions of the Ka-65 will not differ significantly from the Soviet predecessor.

“Sooner or later, the replacement of the Ka-27 is necessary, and the Lamprey helicopter will become this replacement. His task is to combine the functions that were implemented on the Ka-27. At one time, the Ka-27 was asked in three applications (anti-submarine, search-and-rescue, and transport-combat), ”reads the materials of the Russian Helicopters.

Sergey Mikheev also believes that the time of sea helicopters with a narrow specialization has passed. In his opinion, the appearance of a multifunctional deck machine will reduce the cost of the serial sample and the cost of operating helicopters in the army.

  • Ka-27 helicopter during naval exercises
  • © Vitaliy Ankov / RIA News

At the same time, Mikheev does not exclude the possibility of creating an unmanned version of the Ka-65 by order of the Ministry of Defense. A TASS source in the military-industrial complex had previously announced that Kamov could develop an Airborne modification of the Lamprey.

“Mikheev’s approach, suggesting a rate of universality, is fully adequate to modern realities. This is the implementation of the so-called modular principle, which allows, depending on the task, to install the corresponding on-board equipment and weapons on the machine, ”Dmitry Dyakonov explained.

Wide range of tasks

To date, information about the characteristics of "Lamprey" is quite small. It is known that the helicopter is designed according to the coaxial scheme with two rotors, which is traditional for the Kamov products. As Mikheev promises, Ka-65 will embody “all competencies” accumulated over half a century of the work of the legendary enterprise.

At the beginning of June 2019 a photo appeared in social networks, on which, presumably, the model “Lamprey” was captured. The product is located in the hangar of the Flight Test and Development Base (LIiDB) "Helicopters of Russia" in Tomilin, situated near Moscow. The image makes it possible to judge that the Ka-65 is likely to be similar in appearance to its predecessor.

“The similarity of the two cars is not surprising. The design and aerodynamics of the Ka-27 are so perfect that in the coming decades there is no point in changing them radically. In principle, Russia could have gone the way of modernizing the fleet of Soviet cars, but apparently it was decided to invest in the development of a new model, ”said Dyakonov.

According to the information of the United Instrument-Making Corporation, the "Lampi" radio-electronic equipment will be compatible with automated command and control systems.

Back in 2016, the specialists of NPP Polyat (Nizhny Novgorod) created a noise-resistant communication system for the Ka-65. It uses broadband channels, provides the transmission of video and data received from radar stations. As expected, the product will increase the level of efficiency of information transfer at all stages of flight.

  • Navy ship helicopter
  • © Vitaliy Timkiv / RIA News

It is also known that “Minoga” will receive a new turboshaft power unit TB7-117VK developed by Klimov (St. Petersburg). This engine is equipped with upgraded versions of reconnaissance-strike helicopters Mi-28 and Ka-52. The take-off power of the TV7-117VK reaches 3000 liters. with. (at the power unit Ka-27 - 2225 HP). In the emergency (afterburner) mode, the engine develops power of 3,750 thousand liters. with.

“It is obvious that the engine of the Lamprey will be more powerful and, most likely, more economical than the Ka-27 powerplant. A figure of three thousand horsepower suggests that the new helicopter will have improved speed, ”said Deacon.

In the RT comment, Major General, Honored Pilot of the Russian Federation Vladimir Popov noted that the Russian Navy requires a small-sized naval helicopter capable of performing a wide range of tasks: anti-submarine defense, landing, assault and rescue operations.

“It is not surprising that the Kamov school is engaged in the project“ Lampa ”. Coaxial scheme for the Navy is the most suitable because of the smaller dimensions. In addition, Kamov machines are distinguished by simpler control when hovering. And for the sea helicopter it is very important. There is little data on the “Minogue”, but it will certainly surpass the specimens in service, ”the Popov concluded.