In several academies, teachers are "holding notes" of the baccalaureate, to urge the Minister of Education to reopen negotiations on the reforms of high school and baccalaureate, they dispute.


A new threat hangs over the baccalaureate. After the strike of some supervisors on the first day of the exams, professors in several academies threatened not to transmit the notes of the corrected copies. At the microphone of Europe 1, Camille, professor of philosophy, explains the reasons for this gesture.

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"The reform of high schools is inapplicable"

"We ask to be received by Jean-Michel Blanquer, which has never been the case for two years." Camille, like other high school colleagues, has corrected more than a hundred copies, but she did not return the notes on Tuesday, as the calendar required. "We want to be received to make him understand that the reform of high schools is inapplicable," she said, lambasting "points that worry us enormously, we who teach with students and have knowledge of the field."

"We asked for a hearing from the ministry, we wait for his answer"

The professor of philosophy indicates, to his knowledge, nearly "125,000 notes (out of 4 million, ed) were declared 'withheld' Tuesday morning. "We have requested a hearing from the ministry, we are waiting for his answer, Jean-Michel Blanquer has the keys to unlock the situation," Camille said. "In two years, since the imposition of authoritarian reforms without social dialogue, it forces us to carry out such an action," she adds.