“I offer my most sincere condolences to the families of the victims. Everything must be done to help and support them, ”he said during a meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

According to the president, among the dead are seven captains of the 1st rank, two heroes of Russia.

“The crew was highly professional,” he stressed.

As noted earlier, Putin instructed Sergei Shoigu to personally go to Severomorsk and hear reports on the causes of a fire at the research and development facility of the Russian Navy.

July 1 at the research deep-water apparatus, which is designed to study the bottom of the oceans, there was a fire. As a result of the accident killed 14 submariners.

As noted by the Ministry of Defense, the center of ignition was eliminated due to the selfless actions of the team.

SC began checking on the death of submariners.