Wael Hosni - Cairo

The new strategy announced by the General Front Front of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has raised mixed reactions, especially regarding the lack of competition for power or the pursuit of power in the post-President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi era.

The step that comes within the new strategy announced by the General Office of the Muslim Brotherhood two days ago, which he said he will adopt during the next phase; welcomed by some and rejected by other civil powers, in what they described as the root differences between them and the Muslim Brotherhood, which was keen to deny their relationship to this matter.

It is noteworthy that the "General Office of the Muslim Brotherhood" was founded in the face of what is known as the media of the Front of historical leaders, after the internal dispute witnessed by the group in Egypt on the position of the Second Higher Administrative Committee, which was formed in February 2014 to conduct business instead of the Guidance Office, Since July 2013.

In an implicit denial of the Brotherhood's relationship with the Public Prosecutor's Office, the media spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, Talat Fahmi, said in a statement that the group is responsible only for its official positions through its well-known officials and spokespersons.

A member of the political bureau of the youth movement of April 6 Khaled Ismael welcomed the strategy, saying that "this is a required and worthy step by the Muslim Brotherhood as a whole to send a message of reassurance to everyone at home and abroad that the group is not seeking power, "He said.

Ismail said in his speech to Al Jazeera Net that the main point of contention between the Islamic trend and the civil forces was the demand for the return of the late President Mohamed Morsi to rule, that is, the group would like to return on June 29, 2013, "But by the death of Morsi everyone has to return For February 11, 2011, and joint action to end military rule, as was the case during the first 18 days of the January Revolution. "

He stressed that the statement threw the ball in the stadium of the other wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, and put them in front of their historic responsibilities towards the homeland, and also threw the ball in the stadiums of civil forces that must exploit the statement and not underestimate it, and overcome the crisis of confidence between the parties and build on what came during the coming period .

In turn, praised the media adviser to the Party of Construction and Development, Khalid Sharif, the new strategy, which he said "a vision of national insight and worthy of respect and appreciation and thanks, because faith in participation and consensus among all is the peak of political maturity, which must all follow suit.

Speaking to Al-Jazeera Net, Al-Sharif demanded that everyone understand that the country's interest is now in liberating it from tyranny and not in competing for power or contesting the government, calling for immediate action on the liberation of detainees and alignment and true compatibility with all national forces of all spectrums, Or narrow political.

He pointed out that the Party of Construction and Development - the political arm of the Islamic Group - has taken a decision since the beginning of the January revolution not to enter the partisan competition to reach power or obtain any political positions, but rather the consensus and participation and cooperation with all segments of the nation, and be supportive and supporter of national forces .

To come late
"Although some say it is six years late, it is laying a new foundation for national action in the future, and late comes better than never," he said.

In his speech to Al Jazeera Net, Mahmoud praised the trend towards general political action, defending the general rights of the Egyptian people, national values ​​and the nation's overall issues, away from partisan action and competition for power.

Mahmoud said that "this step requires working with all Egyptian national currents to develop a unified working paper consensus on the form of governance in the future, and all the general principles, which will be the cornerstone of the Egyptian revolutionary action, to be committed by all factions and individuals now, .

This welcome was confirmed by media spokesman on behalf of the Front of the General Office of the Muslim Brotherhood Abbas Qabari, who described the reactions that have reached so far very positive, pointing out that some of them support theses within the statement, and other requests to clarify specific ideas.

"It is very encouraging to continue to clarify our vision and ideas to work in the next phase and to share with everyone on the basis of uniting the goals and the revolutionary bases to end the military rule and work to build a democratic state," he said.

On the other hand, the head of the former Constitution Party, Khalid Daoud, said in media statements on Sunday evening his rejection of the statement of the General Office of the Muslim Brotherhood, asserting that there is a radical disagreement between them and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Daoud said the last statement described June 30 as a military coup, and stressed that what they call the revolutionary option is the strategic alternative of the Brotherhood, and we disagree with them in both positions.

He explained that they do not see what happened on 30 June a military coup, but a popular will to participate in ending the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood. "

The MP's deputy Majdi Hamdan said that the statement of the Brotherhood to abandon the political action, delayed more than five years and no longer useful, adding through his account on the sites of communication, "the people utter the group, whether by will or by effective action."