“Two journalists appealed to the duty unit of the State Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Moscow, stating that they received threats of reprisals related to their professional activities,” reports RIA Novosti with reference to a spokesman for the department.

Information provided by journalists is currently being verified by law enforcement officers.

According to an agency source, one of the applicants is Eva Mercacheva.

As noted, earlier the deputy head of the ONK said that after the broadcast on one of the federal channels, Arsen Khachaturian, the nephew of Mikhail Khachaturian, who was killed by her daughters, threatened her.

On June 26, the Moscow Basmanny Court extended until July 28 a preventive measure in the form of a ban on certain actions to three Khachaturian sisters accused of killing their father.

Earlier, the girls were charged with murder by prior agreement.

On July 28, 2018, a body of a man with numerous stab wounds to the neck and chest was found in one of the residential buildings on Altufevskoe highway in Moscow.

Subsequently, the three daughters of the deceased pleaded guilty in the murder case and gave detailed testimony.

According to the investigators, the motive for the girls to commit the crime was “an acute personal dislike” for the head of the family because of the physical and psychological suffering he caused them.