By RFIPosted on 02-07-2019Modified on 02-07-2019 at 22:39

Proponents of former Katanga governor Moïse Katumbi denounce Martin Fayulu's release of a statement without his agreement. The two men had yet signed a call to protest on June 30. They have been opposing for months the strategy to adopt against President Felix Tshisekedi.

Olivier Kamitatu, director of cabinet of Moïse Katumbi, did not digest this statement on behalf of Lamuka, but which bears no signature of its leaders. " Totally abnormal, " he tweeted.

It is totally abnormal that a #Lamuka statement is published without the endorsement of the leaders and without the signature of any of them! But beyond this consideration, the bloody repression of yesterday and police barbarities they carry a signature well known!

Olivier Kamitatu Etsu (@OlivierKamitatu) July 1, 2019

Apparently, Olivier Kamitatu saw red reading another tweet from Martin Fayulu who offers a hand extended to President Felix Tshisekedi. Kamitatu does not mince words: by proposing a " dialogue " to the president, Martin Fayulu turns the page of his fight for " the truth of the ballot boxes ", slices it, by lambasting what it calls " the breathlessness of the 'sterile radicalism '. And to drive the point: " The trial in demonization brought stupidly against Moses Katumbi is even more unspeakable. "

Since then, the release of this feverish surge has been removed from Martin Fayulu's Twitter account, but the damage has already been done. Is it to avoid putting oil on the fire? None of the main protagonists has wanted to speak for the moment, even if the knives have not yet been stored in their sheaths.

" Katumbi and Fayulu have to sit around a table to see if they still want to work together, " slices a relative of the former governor, accusing Martin Fayulu and his entourage of having gone too far in publicly attacking Moses Katumbi.

One of Martin Fayulu's lieutenants denounced an attempt to " distract " his supporters from their fight and the urgency of the moment, namely " the denunciation of police barbarism against popular demonstrations on Monday ."

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