Hafsa Alami

Since ancient times, aloe vera has been known as a medicinal plant and has been used by ancient Egyptians for women to take care of the beauty of their skin. Cleopatra used to put this gel on her body as part of her daily skin care routine, and was one of the secrets of her charming beauty, while the ancient Greeks used it to treat balding and fight insomnia.

The aloe vera or aloe vera is known for its innumerable health benefits, 250 of which are found around the world. Aloeparadinesis is the most effective because it has therapeutic benefits that can be applied locally by mouth.

Benefits of aloe vera
The aloe vera plant contains antiseptic, anti-fungal, and inflammatory properties. It protects and cleanses the skin by forming a protective layer. On the one hand, it has proven effective in fighting acne and sunburn, and is highly regarded in the medical field as a whole for its healing and anti-aging properties. It is also useful in the treatment of sores caused by organ herpes.

Because of its sedative and moisturizing properties, the cactus tree helps heal wounds and heal bruising and swelling in the body. If you suffer from sunburn in the summer or other mild burns, apply the aloe vera cream to the skin several times a day on the affected area.

It is useful for calming and treating stomach diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome. It also helps relieve colic, urinary tract infections and prevent the growth of H. pylori bacteria in the digestive system and can lead to ulcers.

Aloe vera toothpaste is a natural option to improve dental health and reduce scabies, which are plaques filled with germs. Many studies have shown that it is better than traditional toothpaste containing triclosan, which reduces the levels of oral candidiasis, plaque and gingivitis.

The use of fresh aloe vera juice or detergents and creams makes it easier to remove acne and reduce its spread in the skin, because it is considered less irritating to the skin than other acne treatments.

Applying the topical aloe vera cream to the affected area several times throughout the day may help eliminate chronic anal fissures, an effective laxative to avoid pain, inflammation and bleeding when entering the bathroom.

Cactus tree needs eight hours of sunshine daily (Getty Images)

Internal use
The aloe vera plant is a rich source of therapeutic properties. It helps digestion, alleviates swelling and eliminates constipation. It can be consumed orally in the form of capsules or juices.

It is called the "plant of immortality" because it has proven effective in fighting cancer and rebalancing diabetes, regardless of its ability to relieve asthma and reduce cholesterol in the blood.

When is aloe vera harmful?
Although the use of aloe vera is topical for safe skin care, the risk of skin irritation or allergic reactions remains uncertain, so it is generally prevented from treating wounds or severe burns.

It is advisable to pay attention to the interaction of the body with aloe vera, so that people who are allergic to onion, garlic and lavender should not use it in any way, and advised to avoid it for at least two weeks in the period of any operation.

In addition, pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of 12 should avoid oral aloe vera intake.

The aloe vera gel should be used for short periods of time. After a few weeks of use, it is advisable to take a break for at least one week. It is also advisable to purchase the product from known and reliable brands to ensure safety and quality.

Lactose available in aloe vera is not recommended for renal disorders, heart disease, hemorrhoids, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, intestinal obstruction, diabetes and chronic renal disease.

Among the possible negative effects of aloe vera are: muscle weakness, kidney problems, presence of blood in the urine, diarrhea, nausea or stomach pain and low potassium.

Aloefira plant rich in therapeutic properties (Getty Images)

Tree planting
Cactus trees can be found in garden centers, florists or even online. Planting this type of plant is usually easy if the warm climate and mineral-rich soil are provided, but this does not prevent them from being planted indoors during the cold months.

The cactus tree needs six to eight hours of sunlight each day. Small plants need direct exposure to sunlight more than mature plants.

As for watering, the cactus tree needs water once a week or even less depending on the climate. Make sure that the plant pot contains drainage holes on the bottom that allow excess water to flow, as excessive watering can cause the cactus leaves to turn brown.