The air defenses of the Saudi forces managed to drop and destroy a march aircraft launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi militias towards the city of Khamis Mushait in Asir. Yemeni forces continued their advance on the Dalea fronts and prevented an attack on the militias in the city of Hodeidah on the western coast of Yemen. Between the Yemeni army and the Houthis, left dead and wounded.

In a statement, the spokesman of the Arab Coalition Forces for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen, Col. Turki al-Malki, that the Saudi air defense destroyed a plane launched by the Houthis towards a residential area in the city of Khamis Mushait Basir. He explained that "the Houthi group depends on the targeting of civilians and civilian facilities, and members of the air defense managed to destroy the plane and march down."

He added: «We confirm the continuation of the implementation of deterrent measures and neutralize Huthi capabilities, in accordance with international humanitarian law, and customary rules».

On the field, Yemeni forces, supported by the southern resistance, were able to kill and capture dozens of members of the Houthi militia in Zubairiyat, northwest of Qatuba, one of the fiercest battles fought by the joint forces and the resistance on the outskirts of the eastern outskirts of the city of Al-Fakher north of Dalea.

Field sources pointed out that fierce fighting in which all heavy and medium weapons were used in al-Zubayriat area on Wednesday led to the incursion of the joint forces towards Salim and Al-Fakher, amid a state of large breakdowns in the ranks of militias. For Father.

The sources confirmed that the joint forces managed to capture dozens of Houthi elements in the area of ​​Sila, east of the luxury, pointing to the occurrence of a large number of deaths among the militias, pointing out that 15 elements of the Houthis were killed, in the stone front north-west of Dali, And the southern resistance attempted to infiltrate into Habil al-Midan and al-Labbamat in the al-Ribi area, while the joint artillery shelled Houthi reinforcements from Awish and al-Tirmanah.

The sources explained that the joint forces managed, during the battles of the past two days, to put pliers on the militias, and greatly reduced their ability to succeed in the infiltration operations, and the overwhelming number of areas that were controlled and managed to expel them, having suffered severe defeats And a number of sites located northwest of the Directorate of Qataba, and the attack of Houthi towards the Zubayrat area east of the city of Al-Fakhir north of the Dalea, and killed them and many wounded.

The sources pointed out that the artillery of the joint forces launched large artillery bombardment, which targeted the positions and the concentration of militias in the region of Salim and Al-Zmari, noting that the response to the attack resulted in heavy losses in the ranks of militias, whether in equipment or lives.

The coalition fighters bombed a militia site in the area of ​​singles in the vicinity of Qataba north of Dali, where the destruction of military vehicles, and the death and injury of a number of elements Houthi.

In Hodeidah, on the western coast of Yemen, the Yemeni joint forces managed to thwart a large-scale attack by militias on their positions inside the city of Hodeidah, and another towards the mountainous area of ​​the al-Tahitha Directorate south of the province, using all kinds of weapons and artillery and rocket-propelled grenades.

A military source pointed out that the militias attacked yesterday, the mountainous region of two directions, in an attempt to penetrate the middle of the mountain, accompanied by intense fire from heavy and medium weapons, and heavy shelling with artillery and missile.

The joint forces were able, last Tuesday, to break a violent attack launched by the Houthi militias on their positions west of the Directorate of Hays south of Hodeidah of various types of weapons and artillery shells and missiles, and also witnessed the violent night clashes between the forces of giants and elements of Houthi.

The Joint Forces also foiled a large-scale attack on al-Houthi militia in the city of Hodeidah, the most violent since the signing of the Swedish agreement and the UN Armistice Agreement last December, targeting the liberated residential neighborhoods of the 50th Street in central Hodeidah, according to a military source. Broke its "failed" attack.

According to field sources, the attack was the second in less than a week, which targeted the joint forces on the 50th Street in the city of Hodeidah, ended with a more severe loss of the first, noting that the militias used various machine guns, mortars and RPGs, 50th Street.

The militias continued to crowd them into the seam areas of Hodeidah and the fronts to the south of the city. They transported military equipment and heavy weapons, including heavy guns and weapons, to the seam lines in the seven-July neighborhood. The army responded to the attack and prevented the Houthis from achieving any progress. The Magellan region was bombarded with various types of weapons to cover an attempt to infiltrate its elements towards the city, but failed.

In the governorate of Ibb in central Yemen, the city of Ibb witnessed robberies and looting of property, equipment and military vehicles belonging to the security administration of the province of Ibb under the control of the militias. Equipment was looted in the headquarters of the security administration and in other police and security headquarters by various Houthi alian leaders with the Houthi leader Abdulhafiz al-Saqqaf.

According to sources familiar with the robberies and looting led by the prominent Houthi leader Abu Ali al-Ayani, the military supervisor of the Huthi militias in Ibb, and the leader Abu Sultan, who is the director of the security of the Directorate of Al-Mukhtar, and also involved in the looting leader Houthi Abu Malak al-Saqri, Abuqazim and Ibrahim al-Shami and other leaders of Beit Sufyan, Pointing out that the looting is carried out with satisfaction and acceptance of the Governor of the Huthis Abdul Wahid Salah, the supervisor of the Huthis province Saleh Hajib, and leader Mohammed Hassan Dahiani Abuhashm, appointed by the militias as the director of political security in Abu.

The sources pointed out that the looting and robbery of new weapons and ammunition, come within the coming arrangements for a wave of conflict between the leaders and wings of the militias Houthi province, which will not be the killing of field leader Huthi Ismail Abdul Qadir Sufyan, but a new spark of the conflict ahead, pointing out that the security chaos in Ibb expanded Amid the heavy deployment of Houthi militants of the leaders of the conflict in the various streets of the city of Ibb, among those who deployed their gunmen leader Houthi Abuatan.

In Taiz, eight militia members were killed and others injured yesterday in clashes with the army east of the city, according to the Yemeni news agency Saba, noting that the army forces responded to the failed attack of militias, which tried to restore sites in the vicinity Central Security and Hamad Hospital, and that the confrontations resulted in the death of eight members of the Houthi and wounded others, while those who remain escaped.

In a white front, the Yemeni forces, supported by local resistance, were able to repel a large-scale attack by militias against the liberated positions in Qana, across two axes, killing and injuring a number of al-Houthi militants, according to a source of resistance.