The Polish prosecutor's office decided not to arrest the Russian Denis Lisov, whose extradition is sought by Sweden in connection with his finding in the international wanted list. In the Scandinavian country, a case was filed against Lisov on one of the most serious crimes - the theft of children.

In April, Denis took his three daughters from a foster Muslim family and tried to return with them home to Russia through Poland, but was detained.

Today's hearings by the prosecutor were held behind closed doors, after which Lisov, together with his lawyers, quietly left the building of the district prosecutor's office of Warsaw.

  • Polish prosecutor’s office leaves Russian Lisov free, despite Sweden’s request

As Lisov’s lawyer Babken Khanzadyan told RT, at a meeting with the prosecutor, the defense argued that if a Russian was arrested, his three daughters would be left without custody, which is unacceptable. According to the lawyer, such a decision would be a violation of the rights of the child and person.

“Initially, the position of Warsaw was such that the family can not be separated. Back in April, after talking with children, we came to the conclusion that the daughters are strongly tied to their father. Such arguments we cited the prosecutor. Now Denis is free, which we are very pleased about. After 10 days, the case will go to court and I am calm for this case, because I am sure that everything will be fine. I can not yet say what arguments we will bring in court. We will keep these arguments secret for the time being, ”the lawyer says.

According to Khanzadyan, if the Polish court decides not to extradite Lisov of Sweden, the international search will be removed from it. At the same time, the second Russian lawyer Bartosh Lewandowski said that before the trial Lisov would be under the protection of Poland. This means that the Russians will not be issued to Sweden before the trial.

Denis Lisov, after meeting with the prosecutor, thanked his lawyers. He told RT that on the night before the meeting he could not sleep and was worried.

“I could not fall asleep at midnight, because I was very worried that we should not be separated from the girls. Now we are together and everything is fine. Now I am calm. And what will happen next - we'll see. But I believe in the best and trust my lawyers, ”said Denis.

RT previously said that the eldest daughter, after separation from her father, became seriously ill and was very exhausted: a 12-year-old girl lost 15 kg because her body stopped digesting food. Denis was worried because he couldn’t even show the child to the doctor because of his uncertain status. Medical services required a lot of money, and the girl needed hospitalization in the hospital. In addition, other daughters also had health problems: the youngest developed asthma, and the average, due to stress, breathing is sometimes interrupted.

“She is now feeling better emotionally. In the physical, she still needs help. Now, due to the fact that I was not arrested, I can safely take care of her health. In the near future we will go to the clinic for an examination. All this is a consequence of the fact that the children were in a strange family. I don’t even want to think that we can be separated again. I hope that this will not happen, ”shared Denis.

  • Denis Lisov
  • RIA News
  • © Alexey Vitvitsky

Sweden is seeking the extradition of Lisov because of the theft of children. A native of Khabarovsk, Denis moved to Sweden with his wife Tatyana in 2012. Two years later, a woman became seriously ill and went to the hospital. Local guardianship authorities considered that Lisov could not cope with parental responsibilities on his own, and in 2017 he took three daughters. The children were placed in a foster Muslim family of Lebanese descent.

Girls of four, six, and twelve were very worried about separation from their father and often cried.

In early April, Lisov, not deprived of parental rights by the court, was able to meet his daughters and travel with them on a ferry to Poland. At Warsaw airport, the family was stopped by border guards while trying to fly to Moscow. Polish court defended the Russians and ruled that the father and his daughters can not be separated. Lisov applied for refugee status in Poland. According to Denis RT, this issue is currently under consideration. At the moment, the family is assisted by Russian diplomats, the Armenian community and lawyers.