The Vice President of the Transitional Military Council, Lieutenant General Mohamed Hamdan Douqlu, known as Hamidati, confirmed yesterday the readiness of the Council to negotiate and agree with all parties on the air, after the Council called on the Ethiopian and African mediators to present a "common vision" The Council decided to form a high committee to communicate with the armed movements headed by my Excellency.

In a speech in Kordofan, Hamidi revealed that the task of the Ethiopian mediator was to create the atmosphere for negotiation, noting that it is not yet agreed on the proportion of representation in the sovereign council.

He said that the Transitional Council did not reject the African Union initiative, and the Council approved the formation of a committee of wise men from 100 people to help at that stage.

The positions of the junta and the opposition have varied for weeks about the composition of the transitional government, after the army overthrew former President Omar al-Bashir on April 11.

Hamediti stressed that there are no political detainees currently in the prisons of Sudan, noting that the Council will release the detainees of the armed movements in the country.

He said that change in Sudan is real and must be properly exploited. He said that the civil administration and the youth are the ones who are leading change now in Sudan, explaining that the change was made by the will of the people and with the help of the armed forces.

He pointed out that marginalization and injustice raise problems, as happened in South Kordofan, eastern Sudan and other areas, warning that the lack of exploitation of the current change, could exacerbate the marginalization in the country.

He hinted that the Transitional Council would address economic problems drastically.

The Sudanese Transitional Deputy pledged to face any abuses committed by the rapid support forces, accusing external elements and even some army officers of impersonating members of these forces.

Earlier, the President of the Transitional Military Council, Abdul Fattah Burhan, a decision to form a high committee to communicate with the armed movements to reach understandings with them to achieve peace on the basis of common visions.

The Committee is chaired by my assistant, the membership of the President of the Political Committee of the Council Shams al-Din Kabbashi and his deputy, as well as Major General Osama al-Awad Muhammadin.

"We look at the Sudanese scene completely and there is suffering, and it is necessary to accelerate and agree on the formation of the institutions of the interim period," Kabbashi told a press conference, adding that the government is keen to ensure the safety and security of the country.

The transitional council called last night for the Ethiopian and African mediators to "unify initiatives and provide a common vision" on the outline of the transitional period, expressing reservations about the proposal submitted by Addis Ababa on Saturday and approved by the protest movement.

"We met mediators from the African Union and the Ethiopian side yesterday, and we asked them to unify the initiatives and provide a common vision as soon as possible," Shamsuddin Kabbashi told reporters.

Kabbashi explained that the Ethiopian proposal is "different" from another proposal submitted by the European Union, without clarifying what this difference or diving in the details of each of the initiatives.

The spokesman criticized the delay of the Ethiopian mediator in presenting his initiative before the military council, which was not seen only on Thursday, noting that the President of the Council Abdul Fattah al-Barhan met with the Ethiopian and African mediators and asked them to unify the two initiatives.

"We will not accept dictates or orders from any country. The initiative is aimed at bringing the parties to a negotiating table. "

The leaders of the protest movement announced last Saturday, their approval of the proposal of the Ethiopian mediator Mahmoud Dreir establishment of a body with a civil majority running the country during the transitional period.

For his part, said the member of the military junta, Yasser al-Atta: «There are political variables, and the conditions in which we reached understandings with our brothers in freedom and change around the Council of Ministers and the Legislative Council has changed».

"If brothers in freedom and change want to achieve the demands of the transitional period and be a successful period, they must accept the withdrawal of political forces with them."

Representatives of the protest movement arrived after long and arduous negotiations for an agreement with the ruling junta providing for a three-year transitional period before the talks collapse on May 20 because each party insists on chairing the transitional body.

The two sides agreed to a 300-seat transitional parliament, with two-thirds of the seats in the coalition of the Declaration of Freedom and Change.

The protest movement has been demanding for weeks the military council to hand over power to civilians, but negotiations between the two parties stopped on May 20 when each party holds the chairmanship of the Transitional Authority.

Hamidati: No detainees

Politicians are currently in Sudanese prisons

And the "Council" will be launched

Detainees of armed movements.