Scotland's Prime Minister, Nicolas Stirgeon, 48, has spoken of plans to hold a referendum on independence and separation from the United Kingdom. Stirgeon, president of the Scottish National Party, said in an interview with Derschbegl that she wanted a second referendum on the independence of Scotland.

Do you think that former British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson could reach the post of prime minister?

I do not think so, because if he manages to do so, he will be a terrible prime minister for most of the UK population, especially Scotland.

But Johnson claims that no one is better than him in the UK for this post. Is that true?

There is nothing in Johnson's political performance that suggests he is. It seems that the only issue that distinguishes him is his defense of Britain's exit from the European Union (BRICEST). Over the past two years, the reputation of the United Kingdom has been severely damaged by the BRICEST, but there is another reason for Johnson's job as foreign minister, showing his lack of efficiency and integrity, and trying to criticize groups in British society for the satisfaction of other groups. Accordingly, it is unreasonable to become prime minister and unite all the spectrums of the British people.

Suppose there will be no precast, will you call for a second referendum for the independence of Scotland?

I am very committed to the second referendum on the independence of Scotland. I think the experience of the whole BRICEST has shown real flaws in the lack of independent Scotland. Scotland voted 62% to stay in the EU, but was ignored.

But what will happen if the London government refuses to allow you a second referendum for independence? Will you hold a referendum on the Spanish Catalonia route?

We have just begun a legislative process in the Scottish Parliament to prepare for the referendum, and it is not important to deal with the London government in this issue in the current economy, because they are in a mess now.

Do you dare vote if London rejects it?

Here we must examine the illegality and democracy of the UK government in this case. I have nominated myself for the post of prime minister of Scotland in 2016 with a frank statement that explicitly states that in the circumstances under which Scotland is taken from the European Union, there will be a second referendum on independence, and I have been elected on that basis.

Will there be a referendum on independence before the end of the current legislative period ie before May 2021?

That's what I aspire to. But Conservative politicians can say the opposite. The very important thing here is that I'm not the one who will decide, not those politicians, but the people of Scotland who will decide.

But supporters of independence from the UK lost the 2014 referendum?

I think many people who refused independence were misled, and they were told to 'no' to protect your place in Europe, which is not true. But those who voted for independence knew what to vote for.

How will Scotland survive and be independent? Gasg and North Sea oil have decreased significantly, and an economy can not be created solely on fish and tourism.

You have to learn more about the basic components of the Scottish economy. This country is more abundant in natural resources than any other country in the world. It is rich in people and property, like education, and of course Scotland will thrive. If you look at all the countries that are the size of Scotland and independent, you will find that they are not the best of us economically.

Scottish Parliament begins legislative process

To prepare for the referendum.