Al Jazeera Net - Beirut

Lebanon witnessed on Monday events and meetings condemning the Bahrain conference, in which the United States is expected to present its economic plan in the framework of a comprehensive plan for peace in the Middle East, or what has become known as the "Century Deal" media.

At the Lebanese government's headquarters, the Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee called on the Lebanese and Palestinian working groups to hold a joint meeting. The participants discussed the dangers of the "century deal" on the Palestinian issue and the countries hosting the Palestinian refugees.

The two sides issued a statement saying that the leak of the contents of the economic plan of the Bahrain conference is only a "complete liquidation of the Palestinian cause" and that the refusal of the US administration to recognize the Palestinian people's right to self-determination and establish their independent state is " .

The participants called on the Arab countries and Islamic peoples and the international community in support of the Palestinian right to be aware of the risks involved in the deal, which some international parties are trying hard to impose on the Palestinian people and its official institutions and forces.

They stressed that what was called "the deal of the century" and all its consequences "null and void" and refused to deal with it and its implications, including the next workshop in Bahrain.

Lebanese-Palestinian Joint Meeting at the Lebanese Government (Al-Jazeera Net)

Former heads of government
Former Lebanese prime ministers Fouad Siniora, Tamam Salam and Najib Miqati held a meeting to discuss the Bahrain conference and the "Deal of the Century", saying in a statement that Palestine would not be a real estate, financial or economic deal. They declared their refusal to deal with the Palestinian issue as a real estate, economic or financial problem.

In turn, former Lebanese Prime Minister Salim al-Hoss addressed an open letter to the Arab kings and presidents. He said that holding an international conference in Bahrain with the participation of the occupied enemy of Palestine and the absence of a Palestinian voice is a humiliating, condemned and rejected conference.

The Association of Lebanese Press Editors announced in a statement its solidarity with the Palestinian Journalists Union in calling for boycotting the Bahrain conference, calling on all Arab media and friendly federations to boycott this conference. The union considered the "deal of the century" a slap to all the struggles of the Palestinian people, calling for the widest participation in rejecting the deal and its consequences.

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Popular Movements
The Association of Muslim Scholars and the Association of Palestinian Scholars in Lebanon organized an expanded forum of scholars to stand up to the US plan for peace. The conference, which was held in the southern city of Sidon, said the conference was aimed at eliminating the Palestinian issue and called on Arab leaders who agree with the American plan to support the resistance instead of tempting the Arab peoples with a suspicious bunch of dollars.

In the Mieh Mieh refugee camp, the General Union of Palestinian Doctors and Pharmacists organized a sit-in to reject the Bahrain conference, which threatens to liquidate the Palestinian cause. Statements were made on behalf of the Palestinian People's Committees, the General Federation of Palestinian Physicians and Pharmacists, which condemned the Bahrain Conference and called for a confrontation of the "Deal of the Century".

Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Tire and Baalbek also saw popular sit-ins rejecting the Bahrain conference at the invitation of the PLO.

From a conference of the Bahraini Al-Wefaq Society in Beirut, rejecting what is known as "the deal of the century" (Al Jazeera Net)
Bahrain Accord
Bahrain's Al-Wefaq Society organized a conference in Beirut, rejecting and condemning the "deal of the century", in the presence of Arab and Islamic figures from different countries, and with the participation of all Palestinian factions and representatives of political parties and civil society institutions.

The conference discussed several dimensions related to the Palestinian issue, ways to support it, the importance of facing the wave of official normalization with Israel, and the failure of the "deal of the century" through which the Palestinian cause is to be liquidated.

The participants noted the positions of the countries that refuse to participate in the Bahrain conference and stressed the importance of the continuation of such political positions in the support of the Palestinian people. Sheikh Hussein al-Daihi, vice president of the Assembly, said that the Bahrain conference stabbed the central Palestinian issue with a dagger, stressing that the "deal of the century" will fall. He said that without the repression of the Bahraini authorities, the Bahraini people would have gone out to protest against the Bahrain workshop.

The committee organizing this conference adopted a number of recommendations, most notably the praise of the Palestinian position that rejects the conference, the cancellation of the Oslo Accords and all the agreements that Israel practically canceled by going to the "Deal of the Century" project and continuing the popular movement in various countries.