Emad Mourad - Doha

The habits and misconceptions about yoga practice have been a barrier to our desire to practice this sport. Suha Abdul Kareem has sought a lot to join yoga centers in Qatar but to no avail.

In the last period, things differed according to Sahi. The views that were opposed to yoga as a "Buddhist religious rite" began to turn out to be a useful sport for a person and his psychological state, and helped him in many things in his life. The centers specialized in yoga began to appear both in Qatar and abroad.

Yoga is a kind of physical movement originated in India over 5000 years ago, and the Indian word yoga origin means the integration of the unity of all human parts into a homogenous monolithic unity to achieve happiness and balance.

Suha, who lives in Qatar and continues to practice yoga on a weekly basis, believes that the practice of the sport permanently leads to a person's sense of peace and happiness, noting that yoga is characterized by a set of body stretching exercises that help relax the body's mind to achieve full balance.

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Types of Yoga
Yoga is a nice form of yoga practiced by sitting on a chair, or standing with a chair to help and support the body. There is yoga pregnancy, a type of yoga that uses gentle exercises to tighten the body and control breathing during pregnancy, Helps relieve labor cramps.

There are also children's yoga that includes positions and exercises that increase strength, flexibility and compatibility, and are designed to be fun with games that match the age of the participants.

Diabetic yoga is intended for people with diabetes. Yoga uses breathing control techniques and meditation to achieve relaxation. This response helps regulate cortisol and other stress hormones that increase blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

The benefits of yoga are concentrated in that they reduce chronic pain, build and maintain muscles, restore flexibility and maintain the integrity of the spine, as well as the continuous practice protects women from postpartum depression, through exercises that increase the production of happiness hormone, Stress, anxiety and depression.

Yoga Mental Balance and Physical Resilience (Island-Archive)

Mental preparations
Yoga is a sport that does not have any requirements in its practice. It does not need a running yard or covered lounges. You just need to prepare for the exercise and some simple equipment, such as mats or a comfortable rubber, as well as a towel to get rid of sweat during or after exercise. Yoga is about 75 minutes, of which 15-20 minutes are breathing exercises and warm up and 15-20 minutes of relaxation.

It is advisable to practice yoga in a training class with a professional trainer to minimize the risk of injury. You should consult your doctor if you are elderly or have a disease.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Moody had proposed the idea of ​​a World Yoga Day during his address to the UN General Assembly in September 2014.

It was then suggested that the 21st of June be celebrated as the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, as well as its special significance in several parts of the world. The event was first celebrated on 21 June 2015.