Iyad Khamis Yousef Al Mousa has been donating blood for 20 years without interruption, contributing to the lives of about 100 patients, according to the Dubai Health Authority, which he considered a model for all members of society to follow.

Al-Mousa told Emirates Today that his story with blood donation began 20 years ago when he decided to donate in a campaign to discover that his blood group O, one of the world's rare species, Dubai to donate blood the largest amount of blood, to contribute to save the lives of the largest possible number of patients.

"The laws were outdated and only six months after the last donation, the period was reduced to four months and then two months later, which finally allowed him to carry out his humanitarian mission six times a year."

He stressed that he is keen to respond to the emergency call from the Dubai Blood Donation Center, within a maximum of 15 minutes, during which he leaves all his work and work, to call to duty, to save a person, his life depends on some of his blood.

"In addition to the health benefits of donating blood, he is very happy, after every time he donates, which has led him to instill values ​​and culture of donation in his children," said Al-Mousa, 56, who works for Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority. He pointed out that it was also at a time when donors are given money to donate, he refused to take it, being a humanitarian mission does not require access.

Al-Mousa called on every member of society to donate blood to save the lives of the sick and the accident victims.

He thanked the Dubai Health Authority for its continuous efforts to raise awareness of the need to continue donating blood.

Most donors are distinguished and cooperative

The head of the Dubai Blood Donation Center, Dr. Mai Raouf, said that donor Iyad al-Mousa is one of the most distinguished donors and co-workers with the center for 20 years, in which he saved the lives of about 100 patients who were in desperate need of blood, especially his rare flock.

And the establishment of a new system for donating blood, based on the classification of donors according to five categories, according to the number of times the donation, giving the facilitative features of the donors most supportive of the blood bank, the owners of the burden, and the fastest donors in response to the appeal of the Commission To donate.