Nice (AFP)

England dominated its subject and Japan (2-0) to secure the top spot in group D, at the World Cup-2019, having however largely turned on Tuesday in Nice.

In bosses. Thanks to a double of Ellen White (14, 84), the "Lionesses" have perfectly prepared their 8th finals, Sunday (17:30) in Valenciennes, against perhaps China, or even Cameroon, New Zealand or the Chile, according to the distribution of the best third groups.

Second, the Japanese will play Tuesday (21:00) in Rennes against the winner of Group E, Canada or the Netherlands.

This time, teammates Lyonnaise Lucy Bronze did not win by the shortest gap, as against Scotland (2-1) and Argentina (1-0), where they had already better mastered their opponents than the score indicated.

England looks great, with variety in its attacks, good hitters like Georgia Stanway, and a solid defense around Steph Houghton, which contained the Japanese offensives.

The team is all the more complete as Phil Neville has an impressive staff: he had changed eight players compared to Argentina without lowering the level of play.

The British have bench, and chest, they also dominated the Japanese physically, helped by the freshness offered by the turnover operated by the coach.

Neville had notably changed his line of attack, the pearl Nikita Parris only entered for the last ten minutes.

- Lined by White -

This time, Ellen White was at the top of the bill. She first scored on a beautiful work by Georgia Stanway in pivot, which released him the ball to launch a duel won with Ayaka Yamashita.

The Japanese guardian has stopped almost all other attempts. She first stopped the 2-0 by shooting shots from Jill Scott (18) and Stanway (19).

Then she shone again against Rachel Daly (34) and Toni Duggan (59).

But she bowed on a new shot by White.

The 2011 world champions and 2015 runner-ups had fired first, a nice free kick by Kumi Yokoyama (9), but then they stumbled on the English rearguard.

They saw the ball in the last half hour, after Yuika Sugasawa's nerves came in, which had several chances (66, 83).

The Japanese could not soften their defeat, Karen Bardsley won a difficult head-to-head with Saori Takarada (90 + 1). In this England team, even the goalkeeper is strong.

? 2019 AFP