The support kitty for the ex-boxer, whom the Leetchi platform had closed, remains stuck for the moment. The trial on the merits must take place in December.

The jackpot of support to Christophe Dettinger remains blocked: seized in summary, the court of high court of Paris returned Wednesday to the judge of the bottom the request of provision formulated by the ex-boxer, condemned for having struck gendarmes during a manifestation of "yellow vests". This pot was created on January 6 on the Leetchi platform in support of Christophe Dettinger, filmed the day before in Paris hitting two gendarmes during act 8 "yellow vests". In two days, donations had poured in, reaching 130,000 euros according to Leetchi, 145,000 euros according to the Dettinger.

But on January 8, the platform closed the pot, strongly criticized by members of the government who denounced an apology for violence against the police. The Dettingers then went to court for the funds to be paid to them.

A decision by December

Two questions arose during the hearing between Leetchi and the couple on June 5: what was the pot for? Who should be the beneficiary? Both parties disagree on the content of the contract.

Laurence Léger, the couple's lawyer, said that Karine Dettinger, the ex-boxer's wife, was "from the beginning designated as a beneficiary". But for the judge hearing the application for interim relief, the beneficiary's question, "because of its complexity, does not fall within the powers of the judge hearing the application for interim measures. "To the extent that there is a serious dispute over the identification of the beneficiary, there is no need either referred" on the request for provision presented by Christophe Dettinger, writes the judge in his order which the AFP has obtained copy. The trial on the merits is expected to take place in December.