Paris (AFP)

79-year-old playwright and writer Jean-Claude Grumberg received the Grand Prix of the Société des lettres de lettres (SGDL) on Wednesday for his entire work.

"Jean-Claude Grumberg has this rare gift of bringing out human beings and humor in the heart of fear," said Marie Sellier, president of the SGDL.

Author of thirty plays including "L'Atelier", "Zone libre" or "Rixe", awarded by six Molières, co-screenwriter of films like "The last metro" or "The sandwiches years", Jean -Claude Grumberg has just published "The Most Valuable of Goods" (Threshold), a poignant tale about the Holocaust.

The Grand Prix of the SGDL is endowed with 15.000 euros.

The SGDL has also awarded its Grand Prix of translation to Anne Collin of the Finnish translator Terrail, who has made known to French readers the work of Finnish writers such as Arto Paasilinna, author of the "Vatanen Hare". .

This prize is co-funded, via the Ministry of Culture and the SGDL, 15,000 euros which makes it the best prize for translation in France.

The Grand Prize for Fiction was awarded to Isabelle Marrier for "The Silence of Sandy Allen" (Flammarion), a story about the tragic fate of the world's greatest woman. The Grand Prize of the Essay was awarded to former Justice Minister Robert Badinter for "Idiss" (Fayard), a text recounting the life of his grandmother, the Grand Prize of the youth novel was awarded to Laura Jaffé for "Diary of a Dog Girl" (The City Burns) and the Grand Prize of Poetry to Olivier Domerg for "The Sum of Who We Are" (Lanskine).

These four prizes are each endowed with 4,000 euros.

All the awards of the SGDL were to be given in the evening during a ceremony in Paris at the headquarters of this association dedicated to defending the interests of authors.

Last year, the Grand Prix of the SGDL was awarded to the writer, journalist and essayist Dominique Sigaud, specialist of the Arab world and Africa.

? 2019 AFP