“American justice announced another conviction against a Russian citizen. According to the contrived accusation (smuggling of military products), O.M. Tishchenko, "- said in a statement the embassy, ​​which leads RIA Novosti.

The diplomacy expressed disappointment with this practice of American justice and called on the US authorities to provide assistance for more effective interaction between law enforcement agencies of the two countries.

The Russian embassy also stressed that they would control the process of deportation of Tishchenko to his homeland.

Earlier, the court of the US state of Utah sentenced Tishchenko to one year’s imprisonment, which expired considering the time he had served.

Russians are deported to their homeland on June 19.

The case against Oleg Tischenko was brought back in 2016, but the documents were disclosed recently, after a man was detained in Georgia, from where he was extradited to the United States.

He was accused of purchasing documentation for US military aircraft in violation of US law.