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Emmanuel Macron made a speech at the Elysee Palace during the ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the election of French President Georges Pompidou in Paris on June 19, 2019. Ian Langsdon / Pool via REUTERS

Emmanuel Macron wanted to pay tribute to the action of Georges Pompidou on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his election as President of the Republic. At the Élysée, in front of a chosen public and the family of the deceased president, he delivered a speech that was not turned towards the past, but towards the future. In evoking his predecessor, Emmanuel Macron mainly spoke to the French of his vision of France and power.

At the beginning of what he himself named Act II of his five-year term, Emmanuel Macron took advantage of this speech on Georges Pompidou to defend his project of society. Art of being French, ambition, modernity and humanity, for Emmanuel Macron is what symbolizes Georges Pompidou and that's how he wants to see France.

"The whole adventure of President Pompidou is the participation in this invention of a new France, happy with modernity understood. The one that goes from the highway to the TGV through the Airbus or the DS. "

This France of progress and reforms somehow. This France is not afraid, to which Emmanuel Macron aspires. For him, Georges Pompidou is therefore an example:

" The way in which he managed to make the spirit of conquest deeply rooted in our people vibrate in the French is a lesson in power. I think we are wrong when we want to exercise the power to enjoy it. To face the digital transition, the ecological challenge, a globalization carrying a deep and rapid revolution, requires vision, daring, ambition. "

But also of humanity, promise of Act II of a president who wants to listen in the footsteps of his predecessor who said: " We must recreate the sense of solidarity, meet the needs of men to believe in something. "

But the France of Pompidou was happy and growing, that of Macron is tense and in difficulty. Parallels have their limits.